I went with a One Punch Man inspired routine, because I think it's funny.
Goal: 100 push-ups, 100 sit ups, 100 squats, and eventually some running and pull-ups. I added pull-ups to get a pulling exercise. The running is what I don't look forward to and I have no interest in going the 10 km advertised. I find it boring.
This is my accountability/progress log.
Day 1, 5/11/2019:
I don't think I'm in terrible shape, but it feels a little vain posting pictures. I don't know a better way to measure results and hold myself accountable. It's not like I fixed the cowlick, either.

Sorry if the glare blinded anyone.
Here's what I weighed in at.
Working myself up to work out worked on my guts. Here was my new weight post bm (TMI!).
I decided to try and work with three sets and three minute breaks in between. What I accomplished, I accomplished.
Push-ups (with perfect push up grips):
Set 1: 30 reps,
Set 2: 14.5 reps (failed on 15, so moved to a wider grip and got it)
Set 3: 8 reps + 1 at a wider grip
Set 1: 50 reps
Set 2: 35 reps (Might have been able to push it, but heart was pounding and still had a set to go)
Set 3: 15 reps
Set 1: 30 reps
Abandoned - Carrie left on an errand, so I stumbled down the stairs on weak legs to be nearer as Shane played outside.
Took me 10 minutes of sitting up and focusing on breathing/relaxing to quell the nausea and slow my body down. Drank a 30g Premier Protein Shake after I realized we had no protein powder in the house.
UPDATE: I was hurting all Sunday and then Monday sucked. I felt pitiful being that weak and sore. DOMS for my loss! I had to turn and reach for my seatbelt with my right instead of reaching back with my left. I was going to work out again Monday, but now I'm waiting until Tuesday or Wednesday, so that I can feel a little more normal first.
UPDATE 2: I felt like crap Tuesday, too. Even started to get a headache (Though some of that could have been work stress mixed in). I tried a pushup on the floor of Shane's room and abandoned it.
UPDATE 3: Maybe it's time to summarize. Sunday-Tuesday: Sucked. Started getting a headache on Tuesday. Wednesday, I woke up feeling weak, but 'shredded.' For those who don't work out, that's more of a 'good pain after a hard workout.' It would have been great to wake up Thursday back to normal, but I felt the 'shredded post workout' all the way up to Saturday. I decided to work out anyway to see if that helped. I did a real light warm-up, 25 squats and 30 situps to not overdo it. That sounds nice until I tried to do pushups. I wanted to get to 15, but hit the fail point on my 12th. I guess I'm not back to normal yet. (Dated 5/18)
Worked out 5/22. Still taking it stupidly light with lots of rest in between. Felt fine afterward.
Push-ups: 15-10-5 (How in the world did I bang out 30 that first time!?)
Sit-ups: 30-20
Squats: 30-20
Worked on 6/1. It's been 10 days! It took me about 45 minutes to work out, shower, and get back downstairs. I feel like I use my wits every day, but my athleticism? Not often. It's harder to motivate myself to do that....but I do feel good now that I've finally done it.
Push-ups: 20-7-6
Squats: 35-22-15
Calf-Raises: 25-25-25
Sit-ups: 35-22-10
2 minutes between sets
Some left elbow pain.
Saturday 6/8 - It's a weekly workout at this rate. I was packing and moving stuff earlier in the day and really didn't want to exercise at 8:30 PM. I thought I'd feel better physically and about myself if I did, but it was still a war to start. Wanted to get to 25 push-ups. My arms gave out halfway up 23. I dropped to me knees and finished it, took some deep breaths, and barely completed number 24, arms quaking. I was discouraged, but felt better when I checked my numbers from last week. Tried to listen to a podcast to start, but I needed music. For King and Country, Toby Mac, Skillet, DC Talk...
Push-ups: 24-11-6
Squats: 40-25-20
Sit-ups: 38-25-15
Calf-raises: 30-30-30
2 minutes between sets except calf raises. No bad pain to report. Took little over half an hour.
Weighed in 157.8 after.
1 Month in, 6/11/19
I'm almost to back where I started a month ago, but without injuring myself and recovering in between. That doesn't feel like a huge improvement, but everybody has to start somewhere. I've been active and moving furniture the past couple of days without incident or injury.
I would have taken morning pictures, but somehow I woke up early (before 6 AM) and everyone else is sleeping in (7:20 AM as I'm writing this). I waited a while, but I snuck downstairs, made coffee, had my quiet time, and now I'm writing. I held off on breakfast, because that's something wrestlers can do.
Bathroom shots:

Scale shot:
That morning cup of coffee adds a pound. Maybe two or three.
I'm hoping I'll exercise more regularly over summer. I picked this routine partly because it's body-weight centric and can be done anywhere! The only tool I need are my perfect push-up grips (and eventually something for pull-ups).
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