Sunday, September 8, 2019

Barn Visitor

Sunday was another hot and sunny day.

I took Loki out for his morning walk and potty breaks. I've discovered I can leave the leash on him and let him drag it around as a convenient brake and catch mechanism. He can chew on it for fun whenever he stops.

Shane, in an embarrassing display of fashion, hopped out the front door a few minutes later. He was in Pikachu shirt that looked like a dress and boots.

No-Shame Shane ran right up to the crew with Loki to talk and hang out, too.

Shane and I assembled all the small cabinets yesterday, but there were still two large ones left for the wash stall.

Shane made a face when he realized I'd taken a picture of him at work.

The instructions were similar to the cabinets from the other day. Shane did a good job of reading and figuring out what to do.

Carrie did her thing while I kept the boy and the dog entertained.

We had a visitor sometime after church!

Gay came out with her dog! She wanted to look at the house and the barn.

We brought the dogs inside to let them play.

Shane loves how rough and high-energy dog play is.

Loki was on the fence about it a couple of time!

Gay's welcome to drop by any time with her doggo. She may even ride with Carrie some and help out since she used to be a barn owner herself. 

The more visitors the better, if you ask me. I've tried to get a playday set up with Sam to no avail. 

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