Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Gen Ed vs SPED

So far, this year has been a lot of work.

Gen Ed feels like a more consistent workload than Sped. There are more students. There are more papers to grade. The workload is constant.

In Sped, the workload was more inconsistent. There could be slower weeks and then a flurry of meetings that took up time before, during, and after school.

I'm enjoying the Gen Ed workload, but that's probably because of all the years in Sped.

I'm happy to not worry about legal paperwork and the need to run meetings. That's a weight off my shoulders I can live with.

I am a little sad that I lack some of the flexibility I had. I enjoyed going to different rooms, working with different teachers, and dabbling in multiple subjects. Also, I used to be able to pull a kid or two and really focus on their needs without worrying about what was happening with the rest of the class.

Now, I have to keep the whole class in mind at all times. If there's a kid or two I can see struggling I can still do a quick check in, but if I stop the show for too long the other 20+ kids in the room get off task in the most creatively obnoxious ways. I actually have more students than desks in two of my periods (24 desks and 25 students). I had a folding table in the back of the room I'd planned on using for file folders that has become a de facto desk for two.

Compared to my last job, I am definitely working more hours. I get to school a little after 8 AM and stay until near 5:30 PM every day. The hours are technically 8:45 AM-4 PM, but there's plenty to do. I work more on creating materials when I get home.

My last position was 8:15 AM to 3:15 PM. That left me an easy time slot to fit coaching into.

However, while my last job was fewer hours and the work load could be extremely slow at times, when the workload peaked things got crazy. My first day and my first period of teaching at LMA, I had a student become enraged I gave him a pretest. He left the room, went to the principal, and brought her back to the room demanding I teach him rather than waste his time.

So far, I feel mostly respected. There are typical things, but my internal compass for disrespect is calibrated a lot differently nowadays!

Amazingly, three students I know because of my old school have appeared in my new school. I teach all of them.

What are the odds?

I can't help, but think, "God had a plan to put me here......now I have to trust and follow through on my part!"

In short: Lots of work. Probably meant to be. Next year should be easier. I'm happy to leave behind legal paperwork.

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