Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Desmos is Cool

Something that's helped me so far this year is becoming really familiar with Desmos. It's a neat took and when I found it could export images I was a happy camper.

Long ago, I used to have to draw graphs by hand, pull them from texts (and literally cut and paste), or finagle them in Word. When I discovered Desmos I switched to taking screen shots, but this is even easier.

I've been fiddling around with saving things, changing colors, etc. My one complaint is that labels aren't exported with the image. I have to open up Paint or Word to add any labels I want.

Next year should be easier. When I was at RCMS and Centreville, there was an archive of shared resources the math PLC tweaked each year rather than creating materials from scratch. There are four geometry teachers at my school (including me) and the other three teachers are all in their second year. Maybe there are more resources somewhere, but it hasn't come up. The school switched from Blackboard to Schoology, so some of the old materials wouldn't even be compatible.

We've all been sharing some, but we're all making things at the same time. There's not a ton of time to share when you make the materials the night before you need them!

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