Monday, September 23, 2019

The Rehearsal Dinner

Saturday night, Shane and I drove to meet everyone at Stablecraft Brewery. We were ready to party! I was trying to catch up with people when Shane heard the party van had arrived.

I would have stayed and chatted, but I'm not 100% confident Shane wouldn't run into traffic if it let him greet Nana and Pop a second or two quicker.

Which is why I told him to climb the fence for a "better view." It kept him out of the parking lot.

Jim, Shawn, and the cousins were all walking up, too, so that could have been too much temptation for my spawn's survival instinct to process!

I love it when family comes together. My generation of cousins were unable to attend, but all of Shane's generation made it out!

The rehearsal dinner was less of a rehearsal and more of a giant excuse for everyone to eat, talk, and celebrate!

I met some of Shelby's family (including a woman who found eyes to be a person's most discerning feature), but there was a ton of my own clan to catch up.

More than I really had time to talk to in the few hours of the party!

Which meant I largely let Shane roam free. He was surrounded by people I trusted and I didn't really want to know what he was up to so I wouldn't have to correct it (barring anything too dangerous).

Nana did make me intervene when the boys were climbing on a bunch of pallets. I wasn't worried, because they weren't that high and pallets have plenty of places to hold on to! I ended up following the kids into the trees, but only because Sammy followed after them.

Marcus and Lauren came to represent the Jeffers clan. Marcus recounted the story of how he accidentally hit Patrick in the head with a shovel while Patrick showed off the scar. Andrew and Andy disappeared inside to talk after a little bit (Perhaps the chaos/crowd was too much, but they claimed they just went for a beer and started to talk!).

It was a big party. I drank two beers and then called it quits to be safe to drive later on. The bbq and bread pudding was great, but the kids all wanted dinner rolls and more dinner rolls.

Most of my siblings were just happy their kids took a time out to eat. They were having a lot of fun!

Let's break down what was happening in this picture.

Here's Renee laughing as Matt suggested stopping at five or six children:

Here's Shane posing like he's about to pee. Really, he's digging and throwing sand (Megan did tell B he could pee as long as he got behind a tree).

Cole...well, Cole was still enjoying the sand!

B, Sammy, and a kid who looked like he could have been related (from a distance) were center stage. B ran up to me later to tell me the boys "were fighting," but it was okay because they were having fun and he "wasn't scared!"

Cole may not have appreciated the game as much as Shane and B at times....but either they were oblivious to his anger, or it fueled their fun. I couldn't really tell you which. Cole kept coming back to the pack, so I guess it was good 'forgiveness practice.'

Shane eventually checked in with me about more substantial food. He ended up eating BBQ off his plate sans fork. 

As in, like a dog.

Nana wasn't happy, but I was happy he got some protein in! He knocked it off when she said it bothered her.

Patrick seemed like he enjoyed the night. He didn't seem too nervous about the big day looming either, so that was a good sign!

1 comment:

  1. Pop and I enjoyed your writings about Patrick and Shelby's rehearsal dinner and wedding so much! What wonderful memories you are preserving for us. We love you!
