Saturday, September 28, 2019

Loki's First Soccer Game

Shane had a soccer game today. Loki went as a mascot.

Shane was goalie today. I thought he'd only be goalie for half the game, but the coach left him in the whole game!

We lost 5-2, but it was a good showing from Shane. He blocked at least 9 shots and made a play on every goal except one. There was one goal where two strikers broke through and ran in unopposed. He blocked the first shot, the ball rebounded, and the second striker kicked it in. On another he dived to the side and I heard his glove tips hit the ball even though it went in.

The one that was his fault? It was from the far side and Shane didn't think it could go in, so he stood like a deer in headlights. By the time he realized he should be doing something, it was too late.

I thought he did a good job. He learned about running out to roll the ball and didn't throw any pity parties. He did get annoyed at a couple of his teammates who criticized him for letting a goal go through (and I agreed. Don't try to make your goalie feel bad. Help them out on the field, so that it's never totally on them instead!). 

My focus was split during the game. I ended up babysitting my dog and someone else's child.

Her name might have been Elizabeth, but it turned out she was the opposing coach's kid. She fell in love with Loki and told me all about her dogs and the horse she rides! She really wanted to run and hold Loki's leash. I told her no for a while until I finally shrugged and said, "Have at."

I found myself looking back and forth the whole game. I'd coach Shane when I could and answer questions about dogs when I couldn't.

Both boy and dog were tired by the end of it!

The dog more than the boy!

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