Monday, June 1, 2020

COVID 19 - The Coronavirus: Reflections

I'm going to stop putting "COVID 19" in all of my titles from here on. Been there; done that.

Goals for the "corona-break:"
1) Establish routines.
2) Live! Don't just wait for it to pass!
3) Keep Shane growing.....and not on electronics all day.
4) Take care of all those house things I say I'd do "If I had time."
5) Make a difference.

Honestly, I think our 'break' went well.

1) We had home-school routines and then virtual school routines. This past week when Shane's been done and I haven't has been more of an electronics-fest. I'm working on starting some new routines....but I need my own work to stop.

2) The barn has certainly been alive! Carrie's been more social than ever. We've had horses come and go, trials, tribulations, updates, and a whole lot of poop. We've watched shows together as a family and still managed to make some fun memories like the corona-eggs.

3) Shane's had more electronics than ever, but he's done other stuff. Just maybe not this past week. He hasn't acted stressed or worried at all throughout. He'd love to see more kids, but without family in the area and moving away from our old neighborhood it hasn't happened. We have seen Henry a few times and I consider this goal a win under the circumstances.

4) The pictures aren't hung up and we're not all unpacked, but in my defense I feel like a lot has happened. The unfinished projects aren't from me doing nothing all day! I mean, I could have found more time if they really mattered to me, but I guess they don't. Cuz I didn't.

5) There's always the thought I could've called more kids and done a little more. I was disappointed on Friday, because I contacted at least 12 kids and not a lot of work got turned in to show for it. I spent Saturday itching to grade something. Anything! But nothing came in. 80% of my students finished Geometry for the year. I'm hoping for more, but it's down to a trickle. I'll post a final update after my contract finishes.

In some ways, this break has cast me in a supporting role. The barn has been a hotbed of activity and people looking to get away for a little. Carrie's been the main socialite and head of barn strategy and operations. I've spent a lot of time with Shane. He talks my ear off in a constant stream of his thought and inner soundtrack.

What's happened this break

Shane - Finished home-school and virtual school. Traveled to several barns. Got better at lacrosse in time for the season to cancel. Did a little riding and a little archery. Helped with more chores. Beat some video games, finished some shows, and got a lot better at rummy!

He grew a huge amount of hair, too.

Carrie - Shifted from full time travel agent to full time barn manager. Started to ride and train more. Has been much more social. Experienced the highs and lows of running a boarding barn. Lost all her travel bookings (and therefore agent income). With everything going on she has been less stressed than I expected, but I'm looking forward to her heart healing more (Hopefully after this next hurdle and before the next hits!).

The Barn - Filled up, slimmed down, and filled up. Horses came and went. Most stayed. Added new bells and whistles. Fixed old problems and discovered new ones. Annie was sold and Nibs is at boarding school. Our horses got put on diets, but Sam's muzzle keeps Magic-ally coming off.

The House - Where'd that deck come from?

Me - Stayed productive. Got way behind on the blog and almost caught back up for my birthday. I was a full time teacher through ways and means unexpected. I was more creative in the beginning with Shane's homeschooling 'projects,' but now I'm tired. The wife's healthy, the boy's healthy, and the dog's healthy, the cats are cats, and the horses poop constantly.

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