Friday, June 12, 2020

Little Fixes Everywhere

A certain amount of maintenance work is required when you own stuff. It keeps you busy.

The grommet around the fuel line of the mower came loose. 

It took more time to find and watch a video on YouTube than it did to fix.

The garage door had been busted since February. We tried to fix it on our own during the break and realized it was a more complicated fix. We made a home warranty claim and it took a bit for the guy to come out.

"Yeah, the guy who installed this was a real dick," he said.

"Oh?" I asked.

"It was me!"

Jokes aside, it ended up being easier to simply pull off the end pieces and install new ones.

Jason and his buddy worked on our security camera project. Carrie had him install sockets, so that we could plug the cameras in.

If the units were hardwired for power we'd need an electrician to replace any that broke.

They put the cameras up for us around the house, too.

Carrie got the display up and running, but there have been some issues.

Some of the cameras stopped responding, so Carrie wanted to check the power supply in the attic.

It's a bit of a jump up from the ladder, so I went up. I wanted to look around anyway!

I had to walk across beams hidden under insulation to get to the electric socket.

I plugged in my cell phone charger to confirm they worked. The camera in question started to work again after it was unplugged and plugged in.

It was interesting seeing how everything looked. I can see what to do if there are any future repairs needed, but I'd just as soon go a couple of decades without.

The Subaru has had a slow leak we've been waiting to fix. It's been the task that somehow always gets pushed off. I had an appointment and was about to leave one day when Carrie asked me not to go.

I pulled the Subaru into the garage to work on concrete and pulled the jack out of the back. There was no jack lever! Acquiring one is another small errand to add to the list!

I had to use the jack from the Volvo. I was happy to see that the puncture was in the tread.

Or at least I was happy until Costco said it was too close to the sidewall to fix! They didn't have any tires that matched our other three, either! If the tires were worn, I could have replaced them, but the treads are closer to new than worn.

It was neat being in Costco again. I hadn't been inside since right before schools closed in March. Everyone wore face masks and there were plastic shields up at all the registers.

I may need to trim my mustache. My mask somehow provoked hairs to tickle my nose non-stop! That's a problem that needs to be fixed if I'm going to have to mask for next school year!

All these little errands seem to take more time than they should. I tend to like a certain amount of pressure/urgency to spur me on, but that's been in shorter supply since COVID 19 hit. 

I hope I'll be really well rested and out of errands by the time school starts again!

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