Sunday, June 7, 2020

Pippin Update

Carrie's been doing a lot of work with this girl!

My photos are up close, because I've been helping!

My job really hasn't been a glamorous won, though. I basically stand around and act calm. Occasionally I take a picture over Carrie's shoulder, but those are few!

Carrie thinks that Pippin developed trust issues with riders at some point.

When Carrie began to lunge Pippin, she wanted Pippin to walk and relax. Pippin kept trying to trot away instead.

With time, Carrie was able to get Pippin to relax more in the lunge. "She's a brave girl in her own way," Carrie said. Pippin was willing to walk over obstacles Carrie laid out faster than some of our other horses!

It got to the point Carrie was willing to try riding Pippin, but the nervousness continued. Pippin was licking her lips, head held high, tensing, and ready to run. I could see Carrie steadily pulling back on the reigns trying to keep her at a walk!

That's where I came in. Pippin seems to trust people on the ground more than riders. I've been walking alongside her while Carrie rides and then fading support. Eventually, I'm left standing in the middle of the arena so that Pippin can see me as Carrie tries to make her relax and walk along.

Pippin's improved some, but it's been slow going. Carrie tried riding Pip while the other ladies were in the arena to see if she'd relax with more horses around.

It went.

Pippin was still nervous and trying to shift from a walk to a run, but Carrie wouldn't allow her to. There weren't any big issues, so we hoped it was one more step into building trust between Pippin and us.

Carrie popped off and I went inside.

I had to run back outside a few minutes later when Pippin ran out of the arena! I caught her at the second jump along the north end of the property!

Thankfully, Pippin does trust us. As she came running up the hill I stood behind a jump just in case Pippin tried to barrel past me.

She didn't.

She stopped to look at me and let me take the reigns. There were no crazy acrobatics and I'm not strong enough to halt a horse as it gallops by!

For the record - This is why we have fence lines around the property and a front gate. Pippin traced the bridle path with Carrie behind her and ran right up to me as I came the other way. Barbara rode up on Maddie ready to block the path if Pippin got passed me.

So Pippin has made progress and had an adventure, but she's still got a lot of room to grow. Carrie says it's tiring trying to ride Pippin, because she had to sit as completely neutral as possible. Any sign she gives is misconstrued as a command to run and that's not the most safe thing even for experienced riders.

We do have someone who wants to lease Pippin, but it's going to be a while before Carrie deems her safe enough for others!

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