Thursday, June 4, 2020


Play dates have been in short supply, but Henry came over last week! Shane's been on an ant farm kick. He started researched prices and watching YouTube videos with a ludicrously enthusiastic narrator ("The Phoenix Tribe!?" "The Fire Nation!?").

Shane enlisted Henry to help him find a queen.

I watched the fun from the kitchen window. No queens were found, but I heard the boys did find out ants can bite (And Shane's been telling me he really wants fire ants, ha!).

Henry was the first person we let into our house after who knows how long.

It was super hot outside and there was riding going on, so I was happy to let them play on electronics. 

We went over to Henry's house the following week.

They had a pool! Shane was psyched! He loves swimming!

Henry felt the same!

The boys were a whirlwind of energy. They were super rough with each other, too, play-fighting, wrestling, and trying to dunk each other. Henry was more serious about it while Shane was more silly which prevented too hard of feelings. It helped they were fairly evenly matched!

Shane did get upset at one point. He stomped off into the yard. Henry eventually got up and went after him and they came running back.

The adults and the dogs hung out in the shade. Sadie's was the only one other than the boys to get in the water!

The fun continued with showering off. 

Molly and I talked the whole time. We were both ready to get in the water, but happy to let the boys interact. When they solved their tiff themselves I figured it was worth 1,000x more than us running to the rescue.

The boys were hungry after swimming, so they grabbed a snack. Shane ate more at their house than he ever does at our house. PB & J's taste better when you're out!

The boys played in the treehouse while Shane continued to munch. Henry really wanted to go to the shop and the boys managed to work out a deal before anyone got in trouble: They'd play for 30 minutes in the tree house and then spend 30 minutes in the shop. Shane claimed the deal was his idea. I was happy, because Henry was about to get himself in hot water arguing with his mom when the deal deflected the doom to be.

Henry drove the boys over while Molly and I walked.

It was my first time wandering around the property. I like to explore!

Henry is really comfortable around power tools. More so me! I think it's neat how he's so capable and safety conscious. I said so to Molly and she replied, "I don't know if I was ever consulted!"

Shane's more impulsive natured than Henry. He was really excited by the compressed air hose! I was okay with him playing with that tool (though the noise got really annoying!).

Henry really wanted to build and show off what he could do. Shane was ready to move on, but the deal was still in effect. Molly showed us a ninja warrior course Henry had built, but it was currently covered in poison ivy.

We headed back to the house for some last minute playing before it was time to go. Carrie needed me to help with a therapy session for Heidi and be present when Lorelai left. 

Hopefully, the boys will be seeing each other at least once a week on average over the summer. I'd be happier if it was at least three times a week, but who knows what fun the summer will bring?

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