Friday, June 5, 2020

Trimming down (June 9th to be exact)

Shane finally agreed to a haircut! I have been dropping less than subtle hints, but he wasn't biting.

Shane got swept up in the excitement. He was smiling and looking forward to it (and the inevitable pictures!).

He's such a ham. He was making all sorts of faces in the mirror before Carrie got to it.

Keeping still was difficult. I tried to coach Shane through relaxing and keeping his shoulders down, but it didn't really take.

That's a lot of hair!

The horse shears intimidated Shane a little bit, but they worked so much better than my dull and dying clippers.

He was all grins at first.

But boy is he sensitive! Make one or two comments and he runs off mid haircut! He was the one who said something first!

Shane's patience was shot by the end. He kept squirming around when Carrie was trying to make a line for the fade and it didn't turn out professional quality ("What was that!?" Carrie asked. "I had to shiver!" Shane replied).

Even without the straight cut I think it's a 1,000,000 times better!

I swear it makes Shane look older.

He's always full of a range of facial expressions. It's like he tries them out.

Loki wasn't sure what to think.

I don't know if it was the shorter hair, the shampoo, or the fact that Shane was simply clean, but Loki wouldn't stop trying to check him out!

Shane really loved feeling his fuzzy hair. I think he's going to appreciate having less hair in the summer heat to come.

1 comment:

  1. Shane looks even more handsome with his haircut! I showed the pictures to Cole. Good work, Carrie!
