Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Auction Rescue Special: Huckleberry

Our newest boarder arrived Wednesday afternoon.

A chain of observers came to see what the trailer brought forth.

It was a quick unload. Rain was working itself up into a storm.

Huck was a good boy and came off quickly.

He's a four-year old auction rescue. As Carrie calls it, "He's a blank slate." Someone had him, put a halter on him a couple of times to lead him around, and then forgot about him.

A local woman who runs a rescue operation picked Huck up at an auction to prevent him from going to a meat market. She knew Carrie through Ellie and an impromptu trailer rescue and asked what training board would cost.

Huck is our 8th horse on property. We are FULL!

Carrie brought Ernie in to be the babysitter. He's calm and has a history of looking out for other horses.

Once they had a chance to smell each other and Huck settled, Carrie stalled Magic and Eddy. She let Huck and Ernie into the field and then introduced the others one by one.

There was huffing and squealing. 

Huck looks to be a mouthy git. Ideally, we would have let the boys hang out in the barn longer, but there was only so much daylight left for Huck to learn the field boundaries.

It went well enough the boys all went for rolls in the field together!

The ladies watched the mayhem from afar. Sam looked like he wanted to get out and run with the boys, but he was stuck in his pasture-lite. Huck ran over to introduce himself in the same hyper, mouthy manner he did with the other boys.

Odd as it sounds, Carrie and I were rooting for Huck to get shocked. He kept straying closer and closer to the wire....

"Wait...he touched it. Is the fence on!? Mike! Go check!"

The fence was OFF! Who knows for how long? Sam knew to be wary and refused to risk a shock, but Huck had never seen our fence before. We needed him to figure out it was a barrier so that he didn't run through any lines and into trouble!

I never saw him get shocked, but we haven't had any incidents of note. Huck is a high-energy guy and likes to push other horses boundaries. He's a lot like a teenager. There was a mark on his side from where he pushed Magic too far and got put in his place, but that was good news. "He needs to learn manners and to respect other horses boundaries," Carrie said.

So Carrie has a new project. Horses are the gift that keep on giving (work!).

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