Saturday, July 25, 2020

Thoughts Pouring Out

We celebrate rain. 

Especially after the drought last year.

I learned to love the rain growing up in Beaumont. We played in the wet grass, swam in ditches, counted seconds between thunder and lightning, and fell asleep listening to the rhythm hitting the roof. Rain is a great reason to curl up on a couch with a book, pet, or person.
Those are reasons I love the rain. Carrie loves that it helps the grass grow! She likes those other things too, but the health of our pastures rattles around frequently in her head. She starts to count if too many days without rain pass.

Shane loves the clouds. He likes to watch the sky and predict when things will happen (and sometimes he gets it right!).

Loki doesn't love storms, but he's not terrified either. He'll bark at loud thunder and hesitate about getting soaked....unless there are cars driving by. The thrill of the chase overrides his concerns!

We've had several really good rain days lately. There was a stretch where Carrie was talking about roping off the pastures and switching to hay, but it never had to happen.

The land handles the rain far better than it once did. It soaks most of it right up.

The horses will run under cover if it starts to really come down. Once it dies down a bit, they walk right back out to munch.

I'm sure the farmers are rejoicing. They have even more at stake!

I've had the urge to walk into the corn a la Field of Dreams for a while. I finally gave in to the impulse.

One row in and the outside world is obscured. I imagine a few more rows feels like a different world.

I don't want to mess too much with what's not mine, so I haven't tread that far. The rows run nice and evenly, so I think it'd be easy to keep my bearings. The rows run like little highways. I'm sure wildlife uses it like a private highway.

It's neat how the stalks come up from the ground.

I really want to do a corn maze when the pandemic ends. If it wasn't so hot (and not my corn), I'd be happy to roam and let the imagination wander.

I'm sure Shane feels much the same. When I had him recite what we did that day, I asked him, "Which do you think someone else would find the most interesting to talk about?"

He didn't say, "Minecraft." He mentioned the corn!

Loki was fine as long as he was with us!

The heat wore him out, though!

We've now been in the house a little over a year. Carrie and I were actually in Scotland exactly a year ago while the barn was being finished....sorta. But that's a different story!

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