Friday, July 10, 2020

Random Cookings

I 'cook' frequently, but when Carrie cooks it's something to be celebrated. She doesn't go small.

I've been begging for bread and she made a 'pizza loaf.'

She covered it and put it on the porch to rise, because you may as well use the 90+ degree weather for your advantage.

The heat made the wrap rise!

If you were wondering, it was delicious.

I love bread. Challah is historically my favorite.

Shane is a much more adventurous eater than I ever was. 

However, I wonder if he's going to do something different from what we do if he's a parent.

What do I mean? 

Nana hated when Jama forced her to eat food she didn't like. Therefore, she didn't force me to eat foods I didn't want to.

It worked out okay for me. I got to discover many foods I liked later in life. 

Shane doesn't have that choice. If Carrie cooks it, he's going to try it. We don't make him clean his plate, but he's going to eat enough. We don't want to waste too much food and I don't want Carrie's feelings hurt if he blows off her efforts. 

Shane has learned not to outright say, "I hate it" unless he truly detests it. I can tell there's times he's not thrilled, but he'll slowly pick his way to eating just enough. Usually, he says, "He's full." I will let him up from the table, but the trade off is usually "If you're full, you can't ask for more food later."

I like to think we're very balanced with what we require and what we let him get away with, but he'll have his own opinion on the matter.

That said, Shane's effusive when he does like a meal! He loves curry, cheeseburgers, and all sorts of things.

The first time Carrie grilled burgers, Shane shouted, "These are just like the cafeteria burgers! My favorite!"

I laughed nonstop. He meant it as a compliment.

Carrie was stunned. "My burgers are just as good as school burgers?"

Now, Shane's had to learn to be honest with his enthusiasm. If he sings over a meal to make Carrie feel good about it, she's going to cook it again! There have been a few times he's tried to recant and I've said, "Next time be honest. Eat."

I probably shouldn't be writing this right before lunch. It's making me hungry.

BONUS: The day I wrote this, Carrie made spaghetti squash with tomato sauce and meatballs. I asked Shane to rate it out of 10. "8 or 9!" was his reply.

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