Sunday, July 19, 2020

Well, I tried

Carrie took Shane to Lowe's and it was the perfect opportunity to write.

I started off by reading a chapter of my book to put me in the mood.

Then I scribbled a few notes on paper and sat down. I'd start with a hunting scene to introduce a character.

Only I realized I didn't really know much about hunting, so I went straight to the google.

Then I started researched ibexes, because those are more fascinating than deer.

But that didn't work with one of my ideas, so I started researching hunting again.

Atlatls are making a comeback?  Where are some videos of those?

You know what, looking up hunting and ibex made me wonder about the history of Switzerland. Youtube suggested this really cool looking animated video....

I didn't get much done.

And it's crap.

I think they were gone for almost two hours.

Logically, I know that I don't need to know everything to write a good story. I don't like it when authors hit the exposition too heavy, but when it was my turn to write I wanted to know enough to feel qualified to write what I was going to write.

I've thought enough here and there to scribble out a basic plan and world. I've looked up all sorts of random things including tidal locking and Neil deGrasse Tyson talking about how water towers work, too!

But not much is written yet. It takes a bit for me to settle into a flow and I don't know the next time Carrie and Shane are going to go to Lowe's!

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