Tuesday, July 26, 2022

July Barn Update

Minus Kitsune, Summer has been an easier season on the barn. No one is eating much hay. We've had a few hot stretches, but we've also had a lot more rain than the previous year. The grass is growing, and the horses are almost always off pooping in the fields because of it. Ernie is the only exception because he wants to park under the fans on really hot days (and I don't blame him!). 

The only annoying chore lately is when the temperature seesaws back and forth. When the high of the day is over 90° F, we pull off fly sheets off the horses that have them. When the temperature is more moderate, we put them on. Fly sheets are less annoying than winter blankets because not every horse has them, but it's still an added thing to the to-do list.   

I manage most of the routine, but Carrie does other projects. For example, Maddy's been roaming the yard (and itching herself on everything). She's moving around and getting exercise, but that doesn't mean she's wearing her hoofs down enough she doesn't need footcare and a trim. Meredith had to cancel on us last time, so Carrie played farrier and took care of Maddy's toes herself.

Carrie did some touch up work on Abby, too, for free. It was enough to tide her over until Meredith came next. 

Carrie hasn't been riding anyone this summer, so Carrie had Meredith pull Lilly's shoes for now. Full shoes cost around $175 whereas trims are around $55 (I'll check the prices with Carrie later). Lilly will need the full shoes when Carrie starts riding more actively in hunt season, but pulling the shoes helps us in two ways now. First, it's cheaper. Second, Carrie wanted to re-introduce Eowyn to the mare's field. Lilly's on the bottom of the totem pole, but if Eowyn pushed her around Lilly could kick out. With shoes, she could do some serious damage, too.

I got ready to take a video of the mares when Carrie reintroduced Eowyn in case something interesting happened.

Nope. Nothing. It was the smoothest integration I've ever seen. Eowyn walked out, Abby sniffed her, and everyone went off to eat.

The road ahead of Eowyn is still uncertain, though. The whole point of breeding her was to give her a job and show she could be a good mother. That's out. If Carrie was able to distance herself emotionally, we could have bred her again to see if Kitsune's condition really was a "one in a million genetic fluke." The second foal could've been had at our barn rather than shipping out to cut costs, and if there was a similar condition we wouldn't go to the same lengths financially trying to diagnose it. 

It's not something Carrie could handle, though. It would be a year commitment, as well.

Carrie had Carly come out and check Eowyn's health and her joints to see if the year off was enough to get her back on track for riding/hunting.

Eowyn was very drunk as they worked.

Nothing seemed to be any worse, at least. Eowyn got an injection in the one joint. She'll be on stall rest for 48 hours and in a couple of weeks Carrie will (hopefully) start working Eowyn again to get her back in shape.

The big question becomes: Do we sell a horse? The obvious candidates are Eowyn and Maddy. 

Lilly's is Carrie's ride. She's safe. 

Eowyn is Carrie's backup. Theoretically, Kitsune would have grown up and eventually taken her spot. We might have kept breeding Eowyn if Kitsune was a star, or we might have sold her off saying "Look at the beautiful baby she made!" 

However, she's a failed mother, completely out of shape, and hasn't had any work on her resume for the past year. None of that would help her find a good home at a good price. Eowyn would need to get back in shape to be a candidate for sale. If she were in shape, she could also become a candidate to lease out (either at our barn or wherever someone wanted to transport her).

Maddy is the other main candidate. I'm opposed on principle as Maddy's basically our mascot. She's hte only horse that's been with us since the beginning. Barbara does do a partial lease on her which helps, but Maddy still has upkeep and medical bills. Carrie doesn't want any more boarders than we have, but an open slot would make it possible for more income.

And Maddy's butt rubbing on things does cause a little damage here and there!

Maddy was supposed to be Shane's horse, but that hasn't taken off. Carrie says that I'm too heavy and unskilled for her (If I had a good seat it *might* be okay as long as we didn't overwork her). 

Thankfully, we're not in a situation where we have to take any drastic measures anytime soon. 

We are in a situation where we have lots of weeds and yard work to tackle. It's dirty business!

Summer is the time to handle those things, though. I'm sure they'll pop up in another post eventually.

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