Monday, July 18, 2022

Summer Soccer

I thought having Goalie training once a week would make it better. 

Keyword: "Thought."

We missed the first week and then I overestimated the trip time on Week 2. We showed up significantly early. However, 2 weeks passed before we went back and I severely underestimated the the trip this time around. We showed up late to Week 4. We missed Week 3 due to Camp Nana-Pop and the program took the 4th off while Shane was at camp. I got the timing right Week 5, but that was the end of the program. I never felt like we got into a routine.

Summer's different. For my daily life, I like having a routine. Over break, I think I prefer having things clumped together, so I can adapt and then move on to whatever the next thing is!

Speaking of adapting, Shane still hasn't taken to heart that he should stand up. Especially when coaches or teachers are speaking to him.

I seriously want to run out on the field and cuff my kid when he does that. I feel it shows a lack of basic respect....., but running out or yelling would be disrespectful and disruptive on my part. 

Shane does best with a coach who's stern, but fun. Someone who will directly call him out on his crap, but then look for games and ways to make the practice fun. If the coach is only stern, Shane will shut down and won't participate. If the coach is only fun, Shane will be all over the place and won't redirect with gentle cues.

Hopefully, his coach this fall will fit that criteria (I hope I walk the stern/fun line well enough with my parenting, myself).

My footage from Week 3 started with a shot blocking game. Almost all of the training has been with using your hands and body to block shots, but Shane still uses his feet sometimes when he's afraid the ball will hit him.

And he's quick to argue/excuseplain any perceived technicalities.

My whole attitude towards sports is DON'T be dramatic and I ended up with the most dramatic kid, heh.

If Shane gets it right, he parties in place.

If Shane gets it wrong, he flops and puts on a pity party.

I'm okay with a small celebration, but the pity parties? I hate those. Hate.

Thankfully, Shane started to show off one of the things he is good about attitude wise: Cheering on teammates.

The next game involved two kids running out in the goal to help each other.

Shane would be dramatic if he messed up, but whenever his teammate made a mistake there was no demonstration of any kind. Instead, I could hear Shane telling the other player he'd made a good attempt, they'd get it next time, or the like.

If only Shane would face his own mistakes that way. I made sure to point out that I approved of how supportive and kind Shane was after practice ended. I'd rather have Shane be nice to his teammates and dramatic about himself than the other way around. 

And.....well, this kind of thing is just funny. Shane went kung fu to show just how ready he was while his partner returned this shot they'd blocked!

Week 5 the coach from Week 2 was back. We only made 3 out of 5 practices, but it felt like there were different people helping each time.

It was another mixed practice. There were times Shane did well and times his attitude was that of a major turd.

I've meant to do some training with Shane at home for fun, but his interest and my energy level haven't been there. I'd be more motivated if Shane came to me wanting to practice, but I think he'd be more motivated if I came to him offering to practice (with electronic rewards to follow!).

Well, whatever happens I think it was a good experience. We got to see the field house and I hope Shane internalized some of the drills and information he heard. We'll be playing in the local league in the fall and I'll sign Shane back up for SOCA in the spring.

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