Saturday, July 16, 2022

Time for things to slow down

After a busy week with VBS, Shane finally had to do horse chores again. "You realize I let you miss horse chores for VBS, right?" I asked. "VBS is important enough I let you skip. Now, stop complaining!"

Honestly, it's been a loaded summer for Shane so far. 

The first week started with him being whisked away by Sarah while Carrie and I took Kitsune to the hospital. While the following days were spent at home, to say Carrie was stressed would be an understatement! Unless Shane's completely thickheaded, he had to have sensed there was trouble in the waters.

The second week he promptly forgot whatever sense of foreboding he'd picked up on, because he spent it at Nana and Pop's. He was blissfully in cousin-fun-land and ran himself to exhaustion playing.

Week 3 was camp capped off with a weekend at Grandma and Grandpa's and a new puppy.

Week 4, which just finished, was VBS.

Shane may have gotten out of horse chores for VBS, but he's picked up Kila duties. We'd send him outside with the dogs or make him stay in a room to help keep an eye on her (We kept her supervised whenever she was out of her crate for housebreaking her).

Shane helped Carrie make "lunch" on Saturday.

We had some crescents in the fridge that were nearing the expiration date.

There was ice cream in the making, too, but at best Shane was morale support there!

I took him to the pool for the first time in about 3 weeks!

Church was Sunday and it was a quieter weekend. Shane would've loved more playdates, but I was happy for the chance to slow down a little. My time this summer has largely gone to Carrie, Shane, Kila, and chores (with a dash of late night gaming with Bill every now and then to round things out!). Kila's tried to help with a chore or two (especially weeding), but Shane's been a lot more help than she has!

The following weeks are going to be much less exciting for Shane. There's an activity or two, but we'll be at home a lot. If he starts to get a little stir crazy, maybe he'll look more favorably on school when that comes around the corner. Provided he doesn't drive us crazy first!

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