Friday, July 8, 2022

Nesting perhaps?

Carrie and I were talking about a possibility. That possibility put Carrie into action. It was full blown "Project Mode Carrie," but "Motivated Carrie" at the least!

We'd collected a ton of clutter in the laundry room. Carrie cleaned out the whole corner with much of it going in the trash.

It probably for the best I don't have a before picture. Trust me when I saw, "Work was done."

Amongst the trash, there was a picture of Mira and Nibs Carrie had commissioned after Mira died. 

Carrie's asked me to throw the picture away before. It's migrated around from under the bed to the clutter in the laundry room, but I've held off from putting it on the trash trailer. Now, it's in the hay barn next to the trailer, so it may not remain much longer.

It's not that I think the picture itself is special. Actually, I think it's better not too be attached to things that could be here today and gone tomorrow.

However, I do think it would be a sign that she's healed some if she could look at it without so much pain. Yes, there are painful memories, hurt, and betrayal linked to it. There were times of joy, too though. I'd happily throw it away if Carrie could see it objectively and wish it well before I did so, but she's not there yet. It may go before she is, but in the end it's just a thing.

But back to the story at hand.

Carrie had set up the bunnies so that they were next to each other. Bunsen was in the pen that locked Hopkins into the guest bedroom/office.

Bunsen's setup got moved (and upgraded).

Hopkins received a downgrade.

He used to have the whole room to himself.

He didn't think it was big enough, though. Hopkins turned out to be a chewer. 

I think he wanted out and he wanted us to know it!

So I don't expect he's too happy about the new Chateau de Rabbit. Carrie bought another pen online, but with higher walls to keep him from hopping out.

He had his chance to leave his mark. That's not Loki floof that Carrie swept up!

Carrie rearranged some furniture and as long as the door is open the door damage isn't visible.

We're not planning on moving anytime soon, so I'm not worried about it.

I helped some, but the vast majority of the work was Carrie while I worked elsewhere (and took pictures of cats who like board game boxes).

Before she was done, Carrie decided she didn't like Bunsen's spot. She pulled the bench out from under the front window.

It got relocated to the table and Bunsen's setup got put in its old spot (Random: See the hand brace? It's sadly normal for Carrie to manage to accidentally get hurt somehow at the most random times!).

Bunsen got to run free while she worked, so Carrie tried to be quick!

I...I took a picture of the bench and some of the stuff we moved, but I couldn't tell you why specifically. I think I remember Bunsen running under the table with Carrie in pursuit.

I did get a picture of the final setup. 

The sisters were highly interested. They've started to jump into Bunsen's pen to relieve him of hay every now and then.

So there was a lot of change Friday. But why? 

Reasons. Reasons that will be revealed Soon©.

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