Thursday, July 14, 2022


I didn't see Maddy in the yard and Shane had energy. "Shane, can you go see where Maddy is?" I asked.

Shane came running back a few minutes later. "Trouble, Dad!"

Maddy discovered the hay barn.

There was shade and hay. She was happy. You can tell how long she'd been enjoying herself before we caught her by counting the poop piles.

We kicked Maddie out and Carrie moved the truck to block her from re-entering. Maddy was pissed we denied access to her new favorite spot!

Carrie's been parked in front of the hay barn for weeks, so there wasn't trouble until she unhitched and drove off somewhere. Maddy was having the time of her life while Shane and I were at VBS with Carrie none the wiser!

Princess Maddy is certain she owns the place and hates to have areas off limits. One day, I was going to take Kila out to pee, but Maddy was standing on the front walk.

I took Kila out the back door instead! 

Maddy's proven highly creative on finding places to itch. Carrie moved the mower to block some concrete blocks Maddy could cut herself on and guess what I found Maddy itching herself on one morning?

I find most of Maddy's antics more amusing than annoying. It's not like she's the only itchy horse around either.

Summer means bugs and shedding fur. Itchy horses gonna itch. Maddie stuck her head out and started itching along with the other girls!

The only one who didn't participate was Abby. She prefers to get her itches through mutual grooming. Once you let her out, she'll run up to the stalls of whoever is left to stick her head in.

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