Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Blog Day

Today is the day! I will catch up on my blog.

Carrie took Shane on a Mother-Son outing, so I have peace and quiet....sort of. There were barn chores to do and a puppy to care for. 

And then there was the front walk way. Carrie said it bothered her. "It isn't presentable!" She answered when I asked why. Then she added, "It makes me mad at my mom. I don't need to be mad at my mom."

She was right. So I put it on my docket for the day. 

Keelah helped! 

She wanted any weed I was currently pulling. Loki parked on the steps outside of her reach. He felt safer watching.

Since I was already sweaty, I went ahead and exercised after I brought the dogs in. Then I had to shower...

I ended up busy the entire morning. 

I didn't sit down at the computer until around 11:20 AM.

"It's time to write!" I said.

Then I immediately started to cycle through my usual websites, my Facebook feed, etc.

With that out of the way, I said, "It's time to write!"

"Right after I go grab my caffeine!"

On the way to the kitchen, I noticed Keelah had spilled her water bowl inside her crate. I'd just filled it. I had to open up the crate to clean the spill which let her bounce out. She's had a couple of accidents lately, so I took her bouncing highness outside to pee. Loki had to come along, of course. We walked around to give the dogs time to void their bladders and burn some energy (You can't crate a puppy without exercising them some first!).

I sat down and started to type for real around 11:50 AM. This post is it: A declaration of intent for the day. I haven't accomplished much writing yet, but at least I got started before noon!

I started working on the post for Friday, 6/17: "Making Ice Cream"

I was two posts in when Google decided to delete my Father's Day post. Normally, it autosaves as I go. I clicked SUBMIT and got a "Unusual activity detected! Prove you're a human!" page instead. After I passed, I found that it hadn't saved my post and I had to redo the whole thing (I was mad!).

Despite the setbacks, I managed to get through "Week of Grieving " on 6/29 before Carrie and Shane came through the door. That makes 12 posts including this one. I had uploaded pictures on a number to help smooth the process, but not all.

I'd hoped to get to July, but I'm not sad about getting to the last day of June. It was a busy day even if it was quiet!

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