Sunday, August 28, 2016

Busy Day in the Neighborhood

I taught Shane how to play War Saturday night. He wanted to play again Sunday morning. He likes having a game he can beat me (I get bored and forfeit after 30 minutes).

I was thrilled when Raheem dropped by Sunday night and took my place (insert Tom Sawyer/fence reference).

The boys made snot...,

...and played Twister later. They also had rounds of Simon Says, Hide and Seek, and Run and Thud Until Carrie Says "Calm Down!"

I kicked Raheem out just before seven for a late dinner. Shane ate super fast so he could go outside. A pair of kids a street over came around with a lawn mower.

Smart kids.

Due to a "contractor issue" our neighborhood has gone untrimmed for a month. The grass has gone to seed and tickles my knees. Dogs look like they're on safari when they pee.

Will gave the kids $15 bucks to mow his yard. I followed suit. That's a going rate of $1/minute based on my yard size for a job that left sporadic patches, but I like seeing kids being productive.

The kids were even smarter than I thought. They borrowed the lawnmower from another guy down the street. He said "Bring it back when you're done," and wished them good luck.

I saw the kids continue around the cul-de-sac after Shane and I went inside. They can probably afford their own lawnmower now.

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