Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Goals Reflection

Second day of the new contract seems a good day to look at how the goals are going.

Writing.....caught up! Less than previous years, but caught up. We've made some stories this year. Success.

Take care of ourselves......Carrie finished her third round of antibiotics and had her chest x-rayed for the cold/pneumonia/cough-something she's had for a month. Shane and I haven't caught it. Otherwise, Shane's gone to the dentist and so have I. I made an appointment to check with a dermatologist since I haven't done that in a decade. Success (mostly....Carrie will get better!).

Family vacations.....West Virginia and a flight to Florida planned for the future. Time off approved. Shane and I went to the beach and we've had a day trip or two as a family unit (canyons and horse barns, oh my!). Success.

Shane ready for his first year of school.....starts in a week! I think he's more than ready. Kindergarten may be a step down to challenge him academically and a step up in learning how to get along with other kids. I like the school he's going to. The only thing left is to do it and see what happens. Success.

Unpack everything and thin the stockpile.......ha! Fail. Now we have chickens.

Make an impact.....the chickens haven't started to lay eggs yet. My school helped eleven kids graduate. That was great. Now the bar has been set and we have to ensure it's not a fluke. Work in progress.

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