Tuesday, August 2, 2016


The next several days blended together. Sunday and Monday were recovery days for Carrie. Our church had a picnic,...

...and we could've donated blood if we weren't both on antibiotics (the doctor prescribed them for Shane and me to ward off Carrie's ick).

I was sent shopping and used my phone's camera to prevent any oops'es.

Carrie cooked,....

...and we played Star Trek Panic! I bought it just for this vacation and kept it a secret. Carrie switched from Buffy to The Original Series on Netflix.

Tuesday, we re-entered the world again. We visited Mira and saw Star Trek Beyond. I was elated when I heard the movie theater comped four hours of downtown parking! Our tickets were $14 and we got $10 of free parking!

Then we found a ramen + donut shop with a lunch special. It seemed like an odd combo, but the bar tender let Carrie use the remote.

I love my wife. She was so excited she got to watch Sword Art Online in a restaurant it was contagious.

If Carrie wasn't sick, I would have loved to have reached out to some of neighbors. Maybe invited someone over to dinner. Instead, we took Carrie to visit the doctor again Tuesday evening. She got prescribed a stronger antibiotic and some anti-cough meds.

Wednesday will be our last day together before I pick up Shane. School's not too far away for me. I've got to try and figure out how to keep him busy for the teacher workdays without spending a bundle.

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