Monday, August 8, 2016

Extraction Complete

Shane and I went back to the dentist today to pull his baby shark tooth. It's been there for months.

 TV induced hypnosis is real.

I was less at ease than Shane. I winced when the dentist pulled out the needle. The assistant moved Shane's hands to his lap and prepared to block. Shane was so lost in the credits he didn't realize what was going on until the needle was buried deep. He stayed calm enough for the remainder and the anesthetic worked its magic.

The dentist worked fast. She let the tooth numb and Shane get lost watching the movie credits scroll again. She asked about Shane's girlfriends and what he did over the weekend. Then she struck. Pop! Shane didn't see it coming. I didn't see it coming. The tooth was out. Shane tensed. The root came out next. Pop!

Shane looked like he was ready to be upset, but the dentist said "Look at this big root! Do you want to see it?"

Everyone ooh'd and aah'd. The assistant gave Shane a 'tooth pillow' to bite down on for the next 15 minutes or so. We waited in the room for five before we got the thumbs up.

Our appointment was at 2:00 PM and Shane and I walked out of the room at 2:20 PM. $64 with insurance.

We went home to play some Lego Hobbit right after.

I was personally glad to hear the root was still around. I was not eager to put my kid in the chair, but I wanted to do the right thing and I wanted to do it before I went back to work. The first permanent tooth popped up at the end of April. This one (#2) probably popped up mid-May and has been stuck ever since.

I guess I never posted about the tooth fairy visit. Dentist teeth don't get picked up. They get to stay around and examined.

I didn't want Shane to freak out about the dentist, so I had a plan going in. I told Shane that "it wouldn't hurt at the dentist's. The hurt would come later when the medicine wore we'll play Lego Hobbit to make you feel better!"

I kid you not, Shane asked to go to the dentist early. I must have heard, "Is it 2:00 yet?" a dozen times.

Lego Hobbit did a good job distracting him afterward. He got whinier as the medicine wore off and hunger kicked in.

We went out for eggs. Shane pouted and protested the whole time. He only ate the "I don't want these" eggs after I told him that was it for food tonight......and that he could play Angry Birds if he cleared the plate.

That worked.

I got mashed potatoes on the side and an egg dish for moral support. I hoped it would also be a reserve supply of food, but Shane swore he was full.

Until we got home.

That little stink....

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