Friday, January 12, 2018

Shane's School Days

I haven't written much about Shane's school experience. That's probably because I don't know a ton about it.

We wait at the bus stop every morning, he tries to sit next to Raheem at all costs, and I wave goodbye until I pick him up.

After school, he's happy and playing with other kids with blocks, drawing, or on a computer. He's happy to go home, but he always looks like he's enjoying himself. 

Shane will sometimes ask me, "Can you pick me up earlier tomorrow?" To which I reply, "This is the earliest I can get here in wrestling season." I think it's more that he wants to go home and have freedom than he has anything against the afterschool program. The teachers are friendly and seem to like him, too.

When I asked Shane what happened at school during the day, he usually doesn't want to talk about it much. Instead, he wants to know, "Is Mommy home?" "What's for dinner?" "Do I have any sports tonight?" "Can I play _______ when I get home?" "Can I see _______ today?" Shane's future focused more than he's reflective. 

I've heard some stories here and there. Sometimes he'll talk about someone being mean or something funny or a song from music class. It's sporadic, but it all sounds like a normal 1st grade experience to me.

I do wonder if he's going to start burning out his teacher's patience some. She used to have a student intern from UVA helping. The intern finished in December, so there's now 2 adults in the room instead of 3. Shane's a great kid, but he's a huge, high-energy guy. If Mrs. F (she got married and changed her name) is already tired Shane might wear out his welcome.

We'll get to find out when report cards come out at the end of the month. I'm sure Shane's academics are fine. It's only the behavioral piece I worry about with him.

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