Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Wrestling All Wednesday

After work, it was practice. After practice, I picked up Shane. After I picked up Shane, I picked up his friend Ryan and took them to wrestling practice.

It's been a wrestling filled week. 

I picked up Ryan, because Ryan's dad, Chris, was working the scoreboard at the HS wrestling matches. I was happy to help. Shane and Ryan are friends. Chris drove and I bummed a ride to a JV match in Louisa the night before, too.

I took some video (shock!).

I try to be a dad and not a coach when it comes to Shane, but I do take mental notes. If he ever wanted to practice at home, I'm ready!

I wonder how much of this will translate to when he's older.

The coaches had the kids work on single leg takedowns and whizzers.

Shane's improving...

...when he's not laying around and goofing off in between moves. The boys moved to the center circle away from where I was sitting. Either they wanted to claim the middle spot or they were crafty and wanted to move outside my sphere of influence (I'm not about to yell across the whole room when it's not my wrestling room).

Ryan is the more experienced wrestler. He looked good. I hope he'll be more of an influence on Shane than the other way around.....Is that kid in the foreground about to step on that other kid's head? PeeWee wrestling is brutal!

I got the last pic from screen-shotting a video. I went back to watch it and no, the kid doesn't step on the other kid. He's further back than the picture shows. Makes for an exciting picture, at least.

The kids wrestled live some again at the end.

Shane got a takedown and then proceeded to hang on like he was riding a horse. These kids looked like they were having a lot of fun.

Eventually, Ryan figured out to roll. They were still laughing when Ryan popped up on top.

After practice, we dropped Ryan off at home, grabbed Bodo's for dinner, and jogged over to the high school for senior night.

I was more excited than Shane. The bagel kept him busy at first.

Then he saw another kid with a phone.

Then he saw wrestlers with a phone.

Shane has fun at matches. He didn't have as much fun this time, because he couldn't be loud and wild or use my phone (the battery was low). He kept trying to climb on me while I was watching the match and got himself in trouble a couple of times.

The team has grown a lot. We blew through the first team to a crushing win. They still have a long way to go, though. The second team blew threw us in the same way we crushed that first team.

I got Shane home at 9 PM. I had been ready to slip out early, but the coaching instinct kicked in.

1 comment:

  1. It's always a great day when we get to read your blogs! We are so thankful that you write them!
