Sunday, July 8, 2018

Back to the Barn

Back at home, back to the barn.

Carrie asked if I would help train Nibs on trailer loading.

Carrie already started training her to get on and off. My job was to gently clip the butt bar and close the door behind Nibs while Carrie cooed and praised her.

Shane's job was to stay out of the way and not cause trouble. He half-succeeded.

Nibs did a great job. She didn't fight anything and hopped on. She stress ate, but went with the program.

Hi, pony.

After the gentle trailer training, we all went on a short trail walk. Shane and I went ahead. Nibs and Carrie followed behind.

After Carrie turned Nibs out again, we went on a longer trail walk with just the three of us.

Turns out there are trails all over the property.

Carrie picked one and we started walking.

We found a river, scared a deer nested in a thicket, and enjoyed nature.

We, also, found their firing range and heard the hum of power lines. 

And there were bear tracks. That was an interesting find.

The least welcomed fine was all of the ticks. I caught two trying to crawl up Shane's pants, but there were at least seven that came after me! I felt pretty good about picking the first four off before we left. I felt less so when I found three more after we got home. One of which was tiny and had time to fully latch on.

I hate ticks. They love me.

Either that, or it was the pants. I don't think I'm going to wear them again the next time we go on a trail walk!

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