Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Maine Stay - Day 2

Tuesday started with a book of jokes and puns. In her own words, "My appreciation for puns has increased dramatically since meeting you." Shane was born with that appreciation (once he started to understand them, at least).

Go Bucket Central was set up in the dining room. The agency is never fully shut down for business. That's why I don't want to be a travel agent. Being a family-man is already a full time job. I don't need another!

Grandma convinced Shane to try some eggs. He's a lot braver with foods than I was at his age.

Carrie had planned a morning adventure for us.

Boom. Kayaks.

We would get out on the water, get some exercise, and wear Shane out a little!

What I didn't count on was that I would get more worn out than Shane. Shane in a kayak is challenge mode. He didn't keep a rhythm or even row the the right direction most of the time. He tried to see how far he could push his paddle underwater to touch seaweed or he made ripples by braking while I rowed. I got splashed and had to keep Shane from trying to go for a swim. I splashed him to snap him into listening a few times myself.

But we were victorious. Shane said he was worn out at the end, but now you know the true story.

Carrie was in a single-seater. She was happy to paddle around and take pictures of the struggle.

It was a good activity. I prefer to traverse rivers over open waters, but I can only say that because I've done both. I could see owning a kayak or canoe if we lived in an area like Rockland, Maine.

Grandma and Grandpa met us at the docks as we came in. We went by a bagel shop for lunch.

Ah! Bagels! It was a decent shop. They didn't skimp on Shane's cream cheese. There was no hole left.

Grandpa and Shane made some more time for croquet in the afternoon. I will be shocked if croquet isn't forever associated with Maine in Shane's head (or at least Grandpa).

We got a shock near dinner time. A bat was flying around in Grandma and Grandpa's bathroom!

Tiny guy. 

Carrie went in solo and told everyone to stay away. Shane threw a fit. He squealed and hit his legs he wanted to go in so badly, but it only ended him in trouble. I wanted to go in and see the bat, but in the time it took me to settle with Shane the bat was gone. The windows had been open. Carrie popped a screen and shooed the bat out.

Carrie said the screen was loose, so it was possible the bat came in that way.

Or there was the attic. We'd seen a bat up there yesterday. We stuffed a towel in the bottom of the attic door to block anything from crawling out.

The difference between Carrie and her boys: Shane and I thought this was fun. We wanted to see the bat and get in the action! She wanted to keep everyone out and take care of it, so people could relax.

Grandpa and Grandma were happy to sit back and let Carrie take care of it.

Speaking of Grandpa, he went on a walk the other morning and reported there was a playground nearby. I wanted to walk down and see it with Shane.

Grandpa had taken Shane outstide while we dealt with the bat. It was the perfect segue into a walk (and without Pokemon Go!).

Shane really wanted to climb the tree in the front yard, but wasn't having any luck. He was getting frustrated, so I challenged him.

I said something like "I don't think you can do it. That's a tough tree to climb and I'd be surprised. But not giving up is the right attitude. I like that you keep getting back up. You're a good climber and you'll get it one day. If you do it today, I'll be really impressed." (I guess I talk a lot myself when I get started).

Shane impressed me. He got up high enough to scare Carrie! She was already worried he'd fall into the road. He got some praise and we got to start our walk!

And Shane started climbing again the moment we found the playground! Ha ha!

He wanted Mommy to give him challenges!

Part of her wanted him to keep his two feet on the ground, but she went with it!

Challenges were made.

Carrie even joined in with the balancing!

It was a great mother-son moment. I walked into the rec center next door while they were playing. I'm interested in how people live in different areas. I like to visit non-touristy areas. There was a basketball camp going on for the locals.

We passed by the library on the way back, so of course I said, "Let's go in!"

I love libraries and I love exploring!

Funny random moment:

As if Shane didn't think the world revolved around him enough, I showed him a copy of the old western, Shane. "Look! There's a movie named after you!"

Carrie laughed and took her own picture.

The adults enjoyed looking at all the different buildings on the way to the park and back more than Shane. I really like the look of the older style buildings. There were many from the 1800s in varying states of repair. The dream of a small town that's packed with all of my closest family and friends within biking distance is a nice, but unrealistic one. Still fun to look at.

We passed "The Berry Manor" on the way home. Mike Rowe stayed at it while filming Dirty Jobs! We'd just seen the episode where he went to the Jelly Belly factory and where he made blueberry pies at a bed and breakfast. Carrie recognized the house immediately when she saw yesterday. She called to ask if they sold pies, but they told us we'd have to stay with them next year. Too funny!

We earned our exercise badges for the day! Kayaking, climbing, and walking. Grandma talked openly about wanting to come back to Maine next year and it was only Tuesday.

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