Monday, July 16, 2018

Social Summer Checklisting

With VBS over and company gone, it was time to get back to the checklist Monday. I took Shane for a child wellness checkup at 10 AM.

He's 49.25 inches tall and 53 lbs. That puts him solidly in the 40 to 50 percentile range for height, weight, and body mass index (BMI). He's a solid kid and healthy kid if a long way slowed down from topping the charts as a baby.

I'm big on reminding Shane to bring things to entertain himself with when we go places. He must figure he's fine as long as he has me! I usually end up bringing stuff even after he picks up a book, gets distracted, and then puts it down before we go.

Shane likes to draw, but he never draws quietly. He narrates the whole process. He switched from talking to me to the doctor when she came in. There were volcanoes.

Shane eventually stopped talking long enough for the doctor to check him out. He got a full bill of health and no shots were due.

We tagged base at home and went to the dentist at 12:30 PM. He loves one toy in particular they have.

His gums were healing nicely from the frenectomy. It took all of a minute for them to clear him. The therapy dog was new. They dental technician acted like it wasn't, but she's at the office daily instead of several times a year.

We were all set to go home, but Shane wanted to stay and play with the office toys some. We didn't have anywhere to be and he was self-entertaining, so why not? I sat down and he went to play.

There was another family in the waiting room. I noticed they way they dressed and presumed it was based on their beliefs. I was happy when Shane started to make his way over and be friendly.

I figured they were waiting for an appointment and hoped Shane offering to play would be a blessing for both parties.

Shane eventually introduced himself to the mother and made some conversation. It looked like she was reading and possibly texting on her phone, so I moved 'Amish?' down on my internal observation list.

I offered a comment or two, but didn't get the feeling the mother wanted to converse.

So, I let the kids playing do the talking.

I did find it curious that the girl tended to fade the more Shane played. She stuck to the outside and at one point I heard her mom remind her to keep quieter. Perhaps there was a rule about talking to males outside the family? I'll have to look some of that up later out of curiosity.

I wish that Shane hadn't made the animals start fighting each other at one point or saying a scorpion stinger could kill you. He got a bit hyper and into it a few times. The boy seemed interested in the farm toys.

I was able to make some polite conversation after the kids played for an hour. They'd come in to town for a morning appointment and then decided to wait around a couple of hours rather than leave and come back. A movie came on, The Flintstones, and the kids all started to zone into it, so I decided it was time to head out with Shane. We'd already hung out and played over an hour!

Plus, we had a friend to meet later.

I'd offered to take Shane and Sam to the library in the afternoon. I wanted to pick up some audiobooks for our upcoming road trips.

One of my goals this summer was to build connections, so what better way to accomplish two things than by inviting a friend?

The boys talked Plants vs Zombies like men obsessed. Sam mentioned the game to Shane the other week. I'd happened to buy the game for a $1 on a steam sale and let Shane play it after they talked. They discussed plants, zombies, strategy, and Plant vs Zombies comics all the way to the library and once in it. They looked up the books together on the computer system.

Then they ran to find the Plants vs Zombie books and read them. I put a Sonic comic on the ground to grab Shane's attention. "Don't you each want to read a book?" I asked.


I hadn't planned a long stay, but the boys were happy reading on the floor. Then the skies started to pour.

I was able to browse around without any trouble. The boys hung together.

Other than one short wrestling break it was library appropriate!

It was the longest Shane and I have ever stayed in a library just to read.

I nearly laughed when the boys laid down in front of the children's librarian to read. The library was nearly empty or it might have caused a problem! I was half-annoyed they'd lay in the middle of the main walkway, but the librarians didn't say anything. The boys were engrossed in their books and it was hilarious, so I let it stand.

Positive peer pressure for a couple of fun hours reading at the library!

I let the boys have some Plants vs Zombies when we got home.

I told Shane to make sure he let Sam have a turn, but Sam insisted he wanted to watch; Not play. That suited Shane.

The boys did awesome together. The only bump in the road was when Sam's mom came to pick him up. Sam did not want to be pried away from Shane and the computer! He argued some with his mom, but that wasn't a big deal.

It was a bigger deal when Sam broke our house's cardinal rule: He stomped on the floor during Nova's sleep period. It was on the way out to show his displeasure, but Carrie won't allow that in the house if he wants to visit during the day!

Around 6:20 PM Shane started to act odd. He started complaining his head hurt and that he was hungry. I gave him a hard time about waiting nicely and needing to not zombie himself and neglect his needs when a computer was on. However, he kept complaining. There was no fever and after I'd given him enough of a hard time, I picked him up and sat down on the couch with him.

Shane fell asleep against me before 7 PM. He woke up for a little bit to transfer to Carrie. I got him some acetaminophen and he went back to sleep. Shane was in his room and down for the night by 7:30 PM! He slept the whole night, too! The stink must have been way-overtired from a full day following a weekend of visitors and electronics.

Spoiler alert: Shane felt better after sleeping 12 hours the next day.

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