Friday, July 13, 2018

What's with all the cleaning?

Something in the Volvo smelled bad. Carrie's porch work inspired me. Shane and I cleaned out and vacuumed the entire car after the last day of VBS. Amazingly, he didn't complain and I found a library book under his floor mat I'd just paid for.

Carrie got home and the cleaning continued.

The only thing we couldn't do was vacuum.

Carrie didn't want to risk waking up Nova.

So, what was the occasion?

Visitors, of course! It's been a year and a half since Genevieve and Chris stopped by, but the drought ended.

They brought presents, too! I got a Voltron shirt. Shane got a gift, but he got so distracted by Plants vs Zombies he didn't open it until I physically turned his head.

Then he tried to assemble it on the spot!

I find it funny that most of our friends who visit bring Shane presents. The kid probably believes it's a requirement.

I let him get on the computer, so that we could all chat without him jumping all over Gen and Chris. Shane wanted to be part of the group, so he watched some Netflix with us before bed.

The adults stayed up and talked long after Shane went to bed. There was going to be a lot of geekery over the weekend in our clean house (as long as no one checked the master bedroom....where do you think all of the junk went?).

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