Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Didn't we just see you?

Tuesday was day 2 of VBS. While initially reluctant, Shane was all in now. He was ready to see his new friends.

It was, also, day 2 of my summer checklist and my turn to get poked and prodded. I had a physical/"health-and-wellness" checkup. Nothing got the doctor really excited until I told him we were going to visit Maine. That derailed the whole conversation! He launched into recollections and recommendations. It felt like it made his day.

It was a much smoother check-up, because Shane was with Nana and Pop! Hadn't we just seen them at the beach and over the weekend!? They were on their way back from helping Megan with Sammy and stopped by. We got some afternoon childcare and then Shane and I drove out to Staunton to join them, Patrick, and Shelby for dinner!

And if you thought things couldn't get any better, the restaurant gave us some free ice cream for dessert!

I wish everyone lived closer and that summer was twice as long! It's great to get to spend time with everyone.

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