Saturday, July 14, 2018

Let the Geekdom Continue!

Shane kicked off Saturday by introducing Chris to Face Raiders. It's a free game. Shane takes a picture of a face and then has to fend off a horde of said goofy faces. 

Shane gets upset when he tries to take a picture of my face and I make a face. I don't get why. He's going to be tapping on goofy pictures anyway!

Random: Our cats approved of the visitors. Bucket seems to mellow a little if you spend the night.

There was plenty of geekery planned for the day. However, lots of TV and video games don't get out Shane energy. I planned to take him to TKD.

There was a rubber chicken shooting match with Chris before we left.

Saturday classes are nice, because they're a little bit longer.

Saturday's class started with dodgeball. The exact kind of high-energy fun I'd hoped for.

There was a new activity when class got started for real: A sack race.


I really appreciate the attitude and encouragement about getting back up and finishing it. An important life skill, for sure!

I wasn't in a hurry to take Shane home afterwards. He wanted to climb? I let him climb. It would give Carrie and Genevieve time to talk without little ears. They both like to binge watch shows, so any time we were out might let them slip in an extra episode before Shane dive bombed them on the couch.

I wanted to get some gaming in. Board gaming! Shane picked for us to play King of Tokyo. He was a mix of proud and aghast. He took out Carrie in BOTH games we played! He went down right afterward each time! I thought it was hilarious. Carrie, through gritted teeth and a fire behind her eyes, agreed (She did a good job with the good sportsmanship talk when Shane threw himself after he got wiped for leaving himself open to knock her out).

Dixit was the next game. I thought it would be better for Shane since it was less strategic.

I tanked all game to let him be second to last instead of last. We talked about finding little victories and not exploding over every setback. And we laughed. At least, all of the adults did. Often.

Shane 'earned' a video game break after being social and playing games with us.

We watched some Saiki and eventually pulled out another small game.

I like to generate jokes and narratives as games are played. "No! Not the Princess again!"

There was a lot more TV and talking than board games, but I took more pictures of the games. Carrie took a time out to play her Sword Art Online video game with Shane watching (and commentating) while Gen, Chris, and I played Spectre Ops, a hidden movement game.

We stayed up late watching anime.

Sunday, was more of the same. This time, I took Shane to church instead of TKD. When we got back, Carrie was teaching 5-Minute Dungeon.

Enter our little monster!

There was a lot less game playing, but more silly walks and cat-dragon bonding.

The main shows Carrie wanted to introduce Gen and Chris to were Sword Art Online Season 2, Log Horizon, and Saiki K. We'd asked and they'd already seen Voltron.

Gen and Chris left Sunday night with a promise to not wait another year and a half to return. Excitement and fun was had.

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