Sunday, July 22, 2018

SC Day #3 - Church and VBS

Shane went with Nana, Pop, and Cole to church and Sunday school. Carrie and I hung back and tried the Methodist church by the house (We'd been there for Christmas service before).

We all met up for lunch at Arby's after!

It was a good pick by Carrie. It was halfway between where we were, was quiet, and Pop was holding on to coupons (I felt a little bad that I ordered something there wasn't a coupon for!).

Shane started to 'help' Cole eat his food at one point. 

Carrie offered to pick up the kid's meal milkshakes for the boys.

Pop swapped the milkshakes out with drinks when the boys weren't looking. They guessed who to blame at first sip!

Playgrounds have been a recurring theme this trip. There was the zoo on Friday, Legacy Park on Saturday, and Cole's school playground on Sunday.

Odd note: My camera turned a picture green for some reason.

But only one.

But back to the unfolding tale. Shane wanted to visit Cole's school playground and Cole wanted to show it to him.

We raced there without Pop realizing we were racing. Carrie told me to "Go straight!" without warning. I did and the race was on.

Our alternative path won (barely! We saw them as we scooted through the light).

I find the roads around Nana and Pop's to be strange. You can tell many are older roads that once went to farms. They're two lanes, no shoulder, windy, and slow. Only you turn around the bend and suddenly there's a huge housing development with one entrance. Pop calls the area a boom town. It feels like construction has happened everywhere but the roads. There are more people and buildings than there are lanes and ways for people to get from building to building.

I know that doesn't quite fit the pictures at hand, but I took a lot of pictures.

Shane discovered a tree and started to climb near Nana. That worried Carrie. She made him come down.

My family was all climbers. Nana talks about how it used to scare her to the point she couldn't watch. "Then they started using the top of the swing set as a balance beam. I'd look out from the kitchen and they'd be walking back and forth!" she said.

All very true (and fun!), but it didn't help Carrie's anxiety. Cole's not a climber, so I told Shane to stick to activities he could share with his cousin to be kind.

Carrie and I left shortly after. That would let the boys play and her nerves settle. Shane has inherited the daredevil from my side of things. Carrie worries he's inherited her proclivity to accidents and injury, but so far he hasn't had any stitches or major scars like I had by this age.

Shane had to work on his writing practice again during nap time.

I love how deep in thought he write four sentences.

Getting to watch Mommy play World of Warcraft is a huge motivator. Carrie's been fully bit by the bug. I'll come into the room and she'll already have been playing!

Nana and Pop left early (after 4 PM) for final classroom preparations. They were going to be teaching the three year old's VBS class with Evelyn. Nana was a little worried, because Shane was saying he didn't want to go to VBS. I told her not to worry. He'd done the same thing for our VBS and then didn't want it to end! His current level of protest was lower than what I'd experienced last week.

I brought Shane (and Nana's forgotten jewelry) around 6:45 PM. "You might want to bring Shane early," Nana had said.

Ha! Of course I wanted to bring him early! Take my child! Go play, Shane!

There was a slight hiccup when we were told Shane wasn't registered. Nana appeared and smoothed that out. Kathleen and her crew all showed up, as well.

To Shane's surprise, she pulled off his shirt right in the sanctuary and said, "Here! Put this on!"

Shane acted shy, but Nana had no time for that! She shoved him into his shirt and off they went!

I returned home to have a quiet night with Carrie. We ate leftovers and played World of Warcraft with Genevieve and Chris.

Nana, Pop, and Shane got home around 9 PM. Shane was amped. He's a raging extrovert. Nana heard him flopping around in his bed all pumped from having fun at VBS and having trouble sleeping because of it.

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