Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Heading Home

Carrie and I spent Wednesday morning packing up. We needed to head home. The cats and chickens needed to be checked on. Armour had a vet appointment. Nibs needed trailer training if she was going to attend a training clinic Carrie had signed up for. 

I don't think we forgot anything this time.

Meanwhile, Shane got to party at the children's museum again. 

Nana sent me some pictures and commented on what a builder he is (I was the same).

Nana and Pop's membership to the museum is a steal of a deal with how frequent they take grandkids and foster kids to it.

All the kids love it, too.

If our local children's museum was as extensive, I'd never have let our membership expire.

Shane got soaked playing with water. He loves science and natural forces.

Carrie and I sent a, "It's time to go" text before Shane dried off. Not that I think he would have.

He had to switch shirts to get in the car. That's about the time it hit him that this vacation was over.

The Game Boy DS an Pokemon Y eased the transition. We grabbed gas and food before we crossed the border.

A storm tried to wash us away in North Carolina.

I called a video game break and put Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (#4) on.

There was a massive traffic backup in NC that Google maps diverted us around. We cut through Kannapolis and avoided an hour and a half backup.

Storms threatened again when we crossed into VA.

We were in a spot on the fringe of the storm at one point.

It was bright and sunny where we were with heavy clouds ahead and behind. "Take a picture!" Carrie said.

The traffic and storms made for a longer trip home. The stop at a Walmart in Lynchburg added time, as well. It was around 7 PM when we finally pulled in.

The cats were happy to see us! They'd actually eaten the last of their dry food.

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