Saturday, July 7, 2018

Saturday Family Fun Day

As usual, Shane started our day early. He gets excited when we travel. He was up before 6:30 AM, but managed to be quiet until I heard him around 6:40 AM. There's no use fighting the tide. I took Shane out to Wegmans for breakfast (which Shane complained about.....until he saw the muffins. Then the tune changed!).

Jama was at the apartment when we got back.

Jama and I talked, and I played tech support. Keeping Shane occupied was the challenge.

Or rather, keeping Shane QUIETLY occupied was the challenge. He's great at entertaining himself. The lady who lives under Jama has a lot of health problems and is very sensitive about any noise (including Jama's footsteps!).

Jama and I took Shane up to visit with Ed.

While there, Ed's son showed up with his dog. If I was writing this when I was supposed to, I'd have remembered their names. Over two weeks later, my memory has faded.

We all went on a group jaunt to the gardens. Jama and Ed both had a plot.

Jama wanted to made fried green tomatoes later. Shane helped with the picking (and talked the whole time!).

We went for a short walk on the paths. I stayed with Jama and Shane jogged to stay with Ed and his son. They laughed when they brought Shane back and noted how chatty he was. I hope they got a few words in edgewise.

Shane and I drove Jama out to the hospital to save Pop a trip. If we had left earlier, Pop would have had to drive out to Fairfax to pick her up and then drive back to Arlington to go to the hospital. Our plans made the logistics easier on everyone. We dropped Jama off at the hospital and then scooted over to the house to play with B.

B wanted to show his Pokemon cards off to his Poke-crazy cousin.

The World Cup was on for the adults! B, Pop, and I watched England beat Sweden (and eventually Croatia beat Russia!).

There were some painters working outside the house. The boys had to stay inside, but that didn't stop them from trying to start conversations through windows.

The patio counted as "inside."

Shane attempted to use some rollerblades. I half-expected a wipe out, stitches, and an awkward text to Carrie. He didn't seem to have the hang of it, but there was no disaster. Indy made it out unscathed, as well!

Pop went to take Jama home and I left Big B with the boys to meet up with John. John and I met near a comic/game store. There was a Magic tournament going on and it was crowded. We decided to walk a few blocks to check out a different game store.

The new store was crowded for entirely different reasons.

It made it hard to get around inside or find anything. Neat selection, at least. We talked for a while and then headed back to the cars. John drove me since parking was limited.

Pop was back when John and I arrived. Shane and B were playing with no new injuries. Pop and Big B were working on setting up for Sammy.

The engineering problem of the moment was how to get the baby camera to get the best coverage of the crib. I came in for a few seconds to drop a suggestion and then was out again. I don't suppose there's a career path in quick suggestions without needing to implement them? Carrie and I never had a camera for Shane. They seem neat.

I talked John into trying out a new game with me named Clank! The boys were in and out and crawled underneath the table as we learned the rules. 

When it was time to leave, we got to solve a real world puzzle: "How to escape a crowded driveway with a car and a one-way street behind you." The painters' truck was already on the grass. Pop had pulled in behind John.

We solved the problem by having John back into the yard and pulled Pop's car up past it. That left enough clearance for John to scoot out and turn nose first onto the road.

Shane avoided getting run over by scaling a tree.

It was probably around 4 PM we said our good-byes.

The cousins do fantastic with each other. I wish we all lived in the same city.

John, Shane, and I retrieved my car and then met up at Chic Fil A for dinner. We continued down the road and stopped at Baskin Robbins for dessert (Shane desperately wanted CFA ice cream and not Baskin Robbins, but he was overruled).

We said our next set of good-byes and a farewell prayer before going to Jama's. Shane made me listen to a CD book called "The Chicken Squad" at least four times over the weekend. It was a thirty minute story and I was done. I didn't want to hear it ever again.

Which made the Gameboy 2DS Patrick loaned us a Godsend. Shane played it the whole way to Jama's and even at Jama's.

We picked up the last of Shane's antibiotics from Jama's, said good-bye to her, and were on our way home! We made it just before bedtime happy, but tired.

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