Saturday, November 17, 2018

Late Fall Soccer

Shane may have played his final soccer game of the season.

We lost 5-4. The other team scored in the first 10 seconds on us! The score was 5-1 though the first half. We suddenly started playing like a team and nearly caught up in the second half, but it wasn't enough.

I had to have a talk with Shane at the end. The other coach came over and let me know that one of our players was laughing at and mocking his kids whenever they made mistakes.

Can you guess who it was?

I somehow had to come down on him hard enough while congratulate him for a playing well as a teammate with passing while Mommy and her friends came to the game to cheer him on from the sideline!

I think I managed that.

Shane ran to join Mom, Chris, and Genevieve after the game.

Chris took Shane over to the playground and even hopped up himself!

Everyone's a friend on a playground. Both teams ran rampant! I stayed with Shane on the playground for over half an hour while Carrie, Gen, and Chris went to see Nibs.

Classic Shane: He loves to climb. He's good at it and he knows it. The other kids all ran off to play other games and he kept trying to call out and get them to come back rather than joining their game.

"Who wants to get high!?" Shane yelled.

That's comedy gold!

I vaulted up and surprised him to give him a warning when it was getting near time to go. I like to climb, too!

However, kids circled back after my warning and I let the fun continue. We were one of the last to leave the playground.

We had a make-up game the next day, but company visiting. There's a game after Thanksgiving, but I'm planning on being on the road. The final game should be on the first of December, but I don't know if weather and wrestling will permit us to attend.

It's been a good season even with all the cancellations. I'm looking forward to the spring season!

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