Thursday, November 15, 2018

What Does Our Future Hold?

The original plan was to stay in Charlottesville until Shane hit 5th grade. That would give us six years to be stable and build up equity. I like Shane's elementary school and it goes up to 4th grade. It's diverse, the emphasis is not on testing, and we've had two fantastic teachers. The school Shane would transition to has time to shape up, but needs something to happen to help it straighten out! Carrie has always wanted to get land one day, and we agreed that when Shane needed to change schools would be a natural transition point.

If I completely got my way, we wouldn't sell the house, though. We'd rent it out and move somewhere far away for a year or two before coming back to Virginia (Maybe a different state, Canada, or somewhere else in the world!).

The plan has accelerated. It looks like we may move at the end of this school year or the next one instead. 

Carrie has been on a diet, feeling healthy, and dying to ride. She works from home now, so she has no commute and more time. She was looking around on Zillow for fun and spotted an amazing property for sale in Powhatan County (My response was, "It's not perfect for us, because we're not going to move right now!") Carrie's had horse issue after horse issue and is ready to stop paying other people for board. She wants to look out the window, see her horses, and spot a few other horses people are paying her boarding for! It's always been part of the plan and she's ready now.

This happens at the same time that I am feeling open to a job change. I wanted to stay in the same position for at least three years and I'm in my fourth. Depending on where we move, I may be able to stay in the same position, but I'm leaning towards wanting something new. 

We haven't talked much about this with Shane, but from the little we've mentioned his position is clear: He wants to move further into the city where there are more kids!

Sorry, Shane, but that's not going to happen.

Carrie's really excited by all this. She's already in full blown research mode. I'm the cautious one about the whole process. We're not in a perfect spot, but we're in a really good one by my estimation. I don't know if we'll pull the trigger on this right away, if we'll buy a house, or if we'll buy land and build a house. 

Discussions are happening.

1 comment:

  1. has lots of comments from people on how they like living there. God will guide you and Carrie to make the right decision for your family.
