Thursday, December 12, 2019

Close Call

Carrie was bringing Nibs into her stall when she suddenly turned and chased Annie. Carrie was caught in the crossfire. She got knocked down. Thankfully, she wasn't stepped on or injured. Carrie got back up, took care of business, and then sat down to process after. 

She texted me during my lunch. I finished the day, but skipped wrestling practice to head home early. I took over horse chores for the night.

We've gone through different combinations/amounts of food and supplements, so it's a good thing Carrie's been updating the board.

Sometimes, I feel like a junior pharmacist/chemist.

Sam's on a diet so he gets less sweet feed and protein/balancer than before (The vet said he was big-boned AND fat. Not just big-boned). He's on bute for his stiffle pain after the injections. It looks like powdered sugar. Then there's magnesium, msm, and devil's claw for his joints and to help with recovery. Flax is for a shiney coat and probiotics are to keep him regular (and maybe less gassy). He still gets a small dose of via calm to mellow his nerves a little and voila! I'm a junior chemist.

Nibs isn't on a diet. She gets a lot more grain than Sam does! Carrie says Nibs has a real fast metabolism. She doesn't have any of the joint supplements Sam does, but she does have a Smart Pak and gets a dose of Regu-Mate.

Carrie has me pour hot/warm water into the food bowls to mix everything up and make 'soup' before we feed the horses.

Tonight was special, because we needed to move hay down to the barn. I threw 16 bales onto the truck and Carrie drove it down for me to unload.

Heidi showed up while we were working and said, "So this is how you stay in shape!"

I picked Shane up from school afterward and we had a quiet night with TV and video games. Carrie's been climbing the rankings in WoW for mythic+ dungeons, so she was worn-out but still wanting to go on a guild run to take her mind off of things.

A little over a week to go until winter break. I'll be glad when it arrives!

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