Monday, December 2, 2019

Coyote Signs

Chris, Shane, Loki, and I were walking around the fields this weekend when Shane said, "What's that?"

I looked out into the pasture he was pointing. Among all of the poo piles, one pile looked like there was a little red in it.

First thought: "Did one of the horses have an issue?"

Second thought: "Wait, is the pile looking at me?"

The pile would have been looking at me if there was still an eye left in the socket. 

It was no pile. It was a mostly eaten deer face.

The coyotes haven't gone away. They've been sneakier....and apparently messier too since they're leaving food scraps in our field.

I walked out later to collect the head and found a femur licked clean in the grass about 50 yards off from the face.

I took a picture if you're curious, but put up a "click for more" in case you're really not. The deer's head almost looks like an overgrown mouse's. 

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