Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Dentist Day

1:40 PM - I got a reminder text about a dentist appointment I didn't know about.

Or at least I sort of knew about. I'd rescheduled Shane's appointment, but the office never sent a confirmation or a reminder. I checked through my logs yesterday and thought, "I should call them after work."

They beat me to it.

I had to miss wrestling, but I was able to get Shane to his 4:15 PM appointment on the minute.

He got his teeth xrayed and cleaned quickly enough I thought I might be able to swing by practice with him.

The dentist stopped at another patient's chair to check in first and it sounded like she was planning to pay off her entire school debt from one mouth.

Not that Shane was paying any attention. See him over there?

His eyes were on a TV! 

This children's dentistry knows kids. Shane was zombified while I people watched.

Shane was happy to show his new watch off to the hygenist while the dentist looked through his records. No cavities! His teeth are starting to come in better since we had the baby teeth pulled, but there still look to be braces in his future.

I'd given up all hope of making it to wrestling by the time we walked out, so we swung by Costco for gas, groceries, and a cheap pizza to bring home. Traffic stunk, but we had Redwall to listen to (though the library is probably going to send mean messages to return it soon!).

Two more days of school until break!

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