Monday, December 23, 2019

Holiday Exercise

The nights are cold, but the days have been surprisingly pleasant for this time of year. I get some light exercise running around the barn and taking Loki out to get his wiggles out.

I sat on a horse jump and got some action shots of Loki pacing cars.

He likes to start early and give himself a head start. He needs it, because the speed limit is 55 mph!

He looks over his shoulder and starts to pour on speed as cars come up behind him!

He starts to bark as they pass him and keeps on chasing after!

Until a car comes the other way. Then it's a quick about face!

Traffic is intermittent, but Loki's normally panting good and hard after 15 minutes or so. He's good about following me long as he doesn't hear another car approaching on the wind! Sometimes, I have to pick him up and walk him halfway back out of the temptation zone.

Speaking of temptation, there is a real temptation to simply let Shane veg out on electronics for break. It's less effort for first. Shane inevitably needs to get his own wiggles out. I loved video games as a kid, but I couldn't sit still ALL day.

I took Shane with me to wrestling practice.

There were only six kids practicing and three coaches including me. I ended up doing half an hour of drill with Sam (~165 lbs?). I can keep up with drills, because it's just slow enough and with enough breaks to breathe my cardio doesn't give out!

I made Shane read for a bit before I gave him my phone. He swore he read the whole book The Twits, but it was awfully quick!

I had to hand over the phone to keep him from hopping up and trying to hit wrestlers with a pool noodle, though!

We left a little early to get Shane to TKD (notice the uniform?). It was a beginner's class, so there were a bunch of games!

They chased someone around to pull a belt off their back and Shane won a running game! He looked like he was having a lot of fun.

Shane had to practice his form some with a blackbelt after class.

He looked pretty clueless! You can tell we haven't been to class very regularly since the move.

We'll attend several more classes over the break as long as we're not traveling. We're not doing any winter sports and I just renewed our membership.

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