Sunday, December 15, 2019

Gift Money

I worked all weekend and I made Shane do some work, too. I told him it was time to start writing thank you notes. 

He chose to write to Jama first (Maybe because her name is the shortest? Ha!). 

It took him over two hours of farting around to start it. 

I was clear. "You can't have any electronics until it's done. If you want to play in your room or whatever, go ahead. But you won't be done until you do it."

Shane eventually got frustrated he wasn't done and I got frustrated he hadn't started! I'd been grading papers the whole time!

At that point, I made Shane sit down and sketch out a draft. I helped him with some spelling and then he started a final draft...which didn't go well.

I told Shane he could be done in 15 minutes if he just did it. He complained it would be hours, so I turned on a stopwatch.

Shane protested.

"Turn it off!" he said. "I have my own watch. You don't need to!"

I didn't and it took Shane around 14 minutes to complain, start, and finish. Then he got to spend some Nana-Pop money on Slime Rancher and play while I went back to work.

Shane spent $22 on the game (with tax). I'd given him a choice: Buy now for full price or wait until the big sale hits later on. One way cost more, but he'd get to play sooner. The other way required patience, but would save money.

Shane chose, "Play now!"

It was his money, so I let him.

The game did go on sale a little over a week later. It only cost $8 on sale, so Shane could have saved a lot of money! I brought it up to him driving home one day. I figured he'd either be happy he got the extra time or he'd learn a lesson about patience paying off over time.

Side story:
Carrie forced herself to be social and went to a wreath-making party at another barn. Max approved.

I didn't approve when Max kept trying to eat it and threw up on the kitchen floor several times. I put the wreath on top of the fridge to prevent further messes.

Max approved of me moving her wreath to a new perch. It's 100% dog safe.

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