Thursday, August 20, 2020

Brave New Barn

There have been a lot of changes, but the barn has stabilized.

Magic is still the boys' alpha, but Huck is his (annoying) buddy.

The kittens have become far braver around the horses.

They follow us into stalls.

Thankfully, they're usually up high. Usually.

They don't stray far from the barn. It is home. I'm glad they're not terrified into hiding all day, but we'd like to see some more caution! 

It's scary how little fear they have of hooves. Huck was standing for a scratching before going afield and both kittens follow me into the danger zone.

Then Tsuki nearly got stepped on when she laid down in the middle of the aisle. Laura tried to steer Ernie around her as they walked to the arena, but his hoof was inches from her tail. 

And she never moved. My heart did a little flutter. I looked up at Carrie and it looked like her heart had nearly seized!

By far, the scariest moment came with Pockets. He nearly killed Aria.

I caught it on video and I still don't know if he was trying to kill her or not. 

The kittens had followed Carrie out into the lot. She had a riding crop that she dangled and they chased after. Pockets followed and was sniffing at them. It was all cute until he raised his hoof up to his chest and brought it down straight at Aria.

He barely missed.

Carrie's reflexes were on point. She flicked the crop and he flinched back a hair. Or was he aiming to be near and scare the kitten all along?

I couldn't tell you. I can confirm he raised his foot to his chest level and stomped with force. 

Donkeys are often used as guard animals and he's part donkey. He's seemed curious before, but that stomp was eye opening.

The kittens haven't stopped following us around the barn, but we're really careful about keeping them away from Pockets now.

I can't help ponder the old saying "Curisoity killed the cat." 

It certainly leads them to odd places. One hopped in the toilet when Carrie was changing the bag...

I hope nothing happens to the kittens. Everyone's really enjoying them. Shane's found a climbing buddy in Aria!

It's going to take vigilance on my part to keep them OUTSIDE, though. If I'm not careful I could end up sneezing to four house-cats while Carrie laments needing another pair for the barn...


  1. What fun to be able to read 2 new blog posts this morning! Your life is very interesting! Thanks for writing again. We know it's super busy for you now that teaching duties have resumed. Pop prayed at the breakfast table this morning for teaching to go well for you.

    1. Glad you enjoyed them. Thanks for the prayers. I wrote 4 new posts, so you might have missed something. One was a couple of days before the goals reflection post (Had to fill in a gap).
