Saturday, August 15, 2020

Road Tripping

I drove more this week than any other before schools closed. It started off innocuous enough. I went into town to get gas for the mower Monday. Then we went into town to take care of errands and groceries Wednesday.

It was Shane's first time in a grocery store in a while.

Of course, he had to use the bathroom the moment we got there. I took a selfie with the mask Shelby made while I waited.

We ended up visiting Wegmans three times in three days! Only the first trip was groceries. The next two were cousins! Shane spent the night at Grandma and Grandpa's Thursday night, so he could play with Sophia and Nate. I dropped him off at the Wegmans in Short Pump.

Grandma let the kids pick out sushi for dinner ("They inhaled it!" Grandma reported).

She texted a picture of the kids "making art" later on.

Bonus side trip: I stopped by Mark's brewery for a book club meeting on the way home. His daughter was there and I got to try (and lose at) Klask. Neat little game!

I picked Shane back up on Friday at the same Wegmans. He was wiped out! That night he had a headache from fatigue and went to bed early! Shane said that Nate slept in the car and Sophia 'rested her eyes.'

However, the big road trip was Saturday.

Shane's going to spend the week at Nana and Pop's while I start work. He'll get to play with cousins before they're all back in school. Evelyn and Tenly both start this week, so Cole will be happy to have a playmate while they're away.

"Don't forget your toothbrush," I said. I didn't realize I needed to specify "...and the cap if you're bringing your toothpaste."

Not that it made it to Nana and Pop's. Shane brought the bag into the car separate from his luggage and it remained separate from his luggage when I left it in the car post handoff. I called to let Nana know and she said, "I'm surprised he had it at all!"

But that was later in the day. Our first hiccup on the road came in the form of an "emergency #2."

I made Shane hold it for half an hour before I stopped for gas. Too bad the bathroom was out of order!

We ended up on an extended detour. We ended up at a gas station that served as the local fast food, casino, and social spot (The coin-laundry shared a wall in case of stains!). I bought a few snacks and a drink as a "Thank you for letting my son (further) destroy your bathroom."

Unfortunately, that fateful stop gave me some tea. Which became pee. We got to the CFA in NC and I was dying. The restrooms were closed, though. I had to pee in a 32 oz cup which was too small for the nearly 64 oz stream I unleashed (It ain't easy to stop halfway...).

Shane was grossed out, but I'm hoping it was a good "you do what you gotta do to survive" lesson! (I may have offered to let him fill the cup or keep it as a souvenir of the journey, but you'll have to ask him).

We joined Nana and Pop as they went through the drive through. They were kind enough to buy lunch for the both of us.

Shane was ready to start his summer vacation and tell everyone about jack-jumper ants. His facts went the way of fantasy and Nana pulled our her phone to check him. "I'm going to have to look up everything you say, aren't I?" Nana asked.

The CFA was swarmed, so Pop parked elsewhere for us to eat. Then he drove to another lot so I didn't have to walk as far to get Shane's stuff out of the Subaru.

We almost finished our audio book before the handoff. Shane and I had 15 minutes left of Spy Ski School. He called on Monday and we listened to the last bit over Zoom. 

I would have loved to have spent a week in SC with Carrie and Shane, but it was not to be this summer. It's awesome that Shane got the opportunity to go. It's going to take the place of TKD camp this year and he'll have a blast around all the family.

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