Tuesday, August 18, 2020

School Starting

By a 4-3 vote it was decided to reject the School Superintendent's plan.....wait a minute.

No, wait 10 minutes.

There was a break and then someone changed their vote. This time, the school board voted 4-3 to accept the School Superintendent's plan and do a full virtual opening for 1st quarter.

I had hoped to go back part time with a virtual opening, but it's now my job to make their decision the best decision for the county as far as I'm able.

And I hope it is!

Honestly, it was a tough vote. People weren't going to be happy whatever the outcome was. I don't want to be a school board member any time soon (if ever). I do want to get on teaching.

Tuesday 8/18 was our first virtual work day. The students won't start until September 8th.

It's...different. It's a mix of easy and difficult.

Easy - It's hard to sit in on zoom meetings. I'm saving on my commute (~45 minutes and  ~34 miles a day). Then there are online tech trainings for things I've already been doing (Estimated completion time - 3 hours.....it took me 20 minutes. I took another 20 minutes, because I felt guilty).

Hard - The 'rules' for what we're doing aren't exactly finalized. I have tons of ideas, but I want to know what the structures are before I run with something. I'd hate to spend hours fleshing out a plan only to scrap it when the winds change. While I'm excited, other teachers are clearly anxious and I sat through one planning meeting that felt like most of the teachers in the room were spiraling into panic mode and nothing got done for hours.

It's going to be a whole new ball of wax. It's nothing I would have chosen, but that does make it interesting. It will probably be the type of 'interesting' I only want to do once, but I'm ready to get to it!

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