Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Orthodontic Update

Shane and I drove into town on Tuesday for an orthodontic checkup. 

We tried to go two weeks ago. However, Shane developed a headache in the car. He started to cry and, while I didn't think it was anything serious, I decided it'd be better to reschedule. I pulled over at Monticello HS to call the office. Shane was fine within a couple hours of being home....go figure.

Today we made it without any drama. Shane's fine with wearing a mask, but he doesn't quite get why he can't touch everything he sees! An assistant took him for x-rays and he came back acting highly goofy.

I'm pretty sure the x-rays didn't affect his brain. Goofy is normal for Shane.

The orthodontist showed up and she was thrilled with what the x-rays showed.

This is the before picture.

It was a little over a year ago the orthodontist recommended for Shane to have a bunch of teeth pulled. She was worried that there was too much crowding, his permanent canines were out of place, and he would have impaction problems.

We decided to follow her recommendations. Shane had four teeth pulled May 2019.

The x-ray today showed there was still some crowding, but the canines re-positioned themselves nicely. "Thank you so much for listening to me," she said (Was she not used to people doing so? Or was that just her way of being polite?)

I didn't realize I caught her finger in the picture or I'd have taken another one. You can see Shane's 10 year molars have progressed.

It was a long drive for a quick visit. We were worried about pulling all the teeth, so it was great to see evidence it worked as we hoped.

Shane's still going to need orthodontic help in the future, but it'd be nice to avoid as much as we can.

To make the drive more worthwhile, I stopped by Lowe's afterward.

That's part of a future story, though.

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