Carrie constructed a bunny pen for while we were out of town. She thought it was great, but Sir Hopkins had other ideas. Laura and Amy said he kept escaping. They weren't sure how at first, but....
Hopkins chewed multiple escape points! We threw away the pen when we got back.
Carrie told Laura and Amy to move Hopkins and all his gear into the closet until we got back.
Bun-Bun doesn't like being confined. He wants to explore everywhere (and he'll start destroying stuff if you won't let him do it!). Carrie moved him back into his normal room.
Carrie upgraded the litter system as a way to make-up (but really it was for us!).
Fast forward a little to the future (May), Carrie has set up a "bunny air lock." Hopkins can clear the pen in one bound, but he's hesitant. He likes to jump onto something rather than over it. Once in the airlock, the tile is slicker than carpet and he has a harder time launching. Sometimes he'll manage to launch, but it'll be right back into his room!
Carrie bought him (yet another) scratching pad to channel some of his energy into.
He's winning.
Debris from bunny destruction filters underneath the bathroom door. It's required cleaning before anyone visits!
But back to April (When I was supposed to originally write this).
Carrie does let Hopkins out sometimes.
He's not a snuggler, but he's a social explorer.
He likes to bother the cats. He doesn't seem interested, but he definitely greets them.
Maybe Hopkins senses a bond between them. A shared...
Yes, that was my cup. I didn't expect that.
He keeps me hopping.
Bonus mini-post: We fond a casualty from when we were out-of-town: Shane's Pokémon cards. They were drenched at some point and smelled....wonderful.

When we left there was one fish in isolation. Shane called her "the bus," because she was so swollen. We thought it was parasites and removed her from the tank. She was in an isolation bowl.
In a way, we left her to die. We didn't want her to drop dead the moment we were out of town or infect the whole tank. But we also forgot about her. Laura found her and re-introduced her to the tank. Maybe that's when the water spilled into the cards, but we don't really know.
Shane was upset. He lost most of his collection! He doesn't normally use them or we would have noticed sooner, so that took some of the sting off. I guess it was a good lesson on not putting your trust on things, because things can go *poof* and be gone in an instant!
This is where I would play "Taps" for the cards lost before their time.
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