Saturday, April 2, 2022

Handing Over the Reigns

Laura and Amy temporarily moved in to watch the farm for Spring Break. It's in the boarding contract: If they run things for a week we give them a month of board. They took the week off from work to make a vacation about it. Amy intended to try out every restaurant in Scottsville (including the new one that makes burritos I want to go to!).

Carrie bought them cinnamon rolls from Baked on the James as a welcoming gift. 

She also made a special rabbit terrarium to free up the guest bedroom. 

Everyone already knew Loki. He's the barn mascot and loves to "help" Laura and Amy whenever they do their weekly chores (They throw the ball for him, oh joy!).

We had hoped to make the handoff earlier in the day, but the late start let us take care of a bunch of things around the house. It was time to go, though.

This trip marked the longest time we've been away from the farm as a family. Really. Either Carrie or I has always had to stay behind and run things, but not this time! We were all excited.

I surprised Carrie with a YouTube mix just for her. I had made it weeks ago. She likes to guess songs from soundtracks. Shane had his Switch and we cruised the miles away.

We didn't stop until we hit SC. I suggested we should start our trip by investigating the castle, but Carrie vetoed the proposal.

We drove to Kathleen's new house first. Her neighborhood association was putting on an egg hunt for older kids and teens. Shane told us he didn't want to go. I wanted him to, but I waffled on forcing him. 

Nana called . "You don't want to go?" she said. "I guess Cole can't spend the night then."

Suddenly, Shane wanted to go!

So we dropped Shane off at Kathleen's. The girls were upstairs getting ready for bed, so there was no tour before Carrie and I headed back to Nana's. We got to talk like civilized adults for a while before Ka showed up with the boys. They were pumped and excited for Spring Break!

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