Monday, April 18, 2022

Easter 2022

I saw an ad online for an Easter Egg hunt at a local church. So naturally, Shane and I went! He recognized a family from school and the pool and launched into theatrical dramatics (aka: Roaring).

The church was old (Established 1828!). 

The eggs were hidden amongst the graveyard. That might seem creepy, but Easter is about the Resurrection (That puts a happier spin on things!).

The crowd gathered around the sign-up tables. Most of the kids were younger.

We didn't have an Easter basket per se. I brought a grocery bag, but Shane opted to use a plastic bucket instead.

I don't know how many of the people were from the congregation. I know that Mt. Zion and Scottsville UMC share a pastor.

That pastor gave pulled out a microphone, gave us a small talk, prayed, and sent the little kids off to start looking for eggs!

She pulled all the older kids past the registration tables.

Then she told them that their eggs were hidden better and they should go around the church this way instead.

Everyone took off at a run!

I followed behind doing my picture bit.

Everything was blurry until Shane stopped to collect!

Shane was lost in the feeding frenzy, but I took some time to read memorials, check dates, and get a feel for some of the local history.

I wondered how many of the kids running around now had deep family roots in the area. 

I made sure to take a picture of the front of the church as everything slowed down. They were hosting a sunrise service (with breakfast!) that I added to my list of possibilities for Sunday.

As the hunt died down, the pastor announced that someone was the lucky winner of a golden egg. Shane double-checked his hoard, but it wasn't him. We said some goodbyes and headed back home in the afterglow of a good time.

Shane was ecstatic to find money in some of his eggs. He ran out on the porch exclaiming. 

$2.55 doesn't seem like a lot to me, but it was a treasure trove to him!

Laura and Amy got a kick out of it. They did horse chores Saturday morning, so they could take Easter off to be with family. Loki and I had been talking with them when Shane burst onto the porch, full of joy!

Sunday morning, we woke up early. Early-early. I set my alarm for 5:30 AM. 

Carrie hates crowds. She was extra concerned with her upcoming trip overseas. The goal was to attend the sunrise service as a family to avoid the crowds and make it home for horse chores.

I got a lot of grump and hostility waking everyone up! The sound guy at the church was running things hot, too. Shane, probably reading off Carrie, started saying it was "Too loud" and "It hurt his ears" (boo hoo!).

We went by Wegmans after church. Carrie said she'd cook us a special dinner!

Shane was too busy playing Pokemon Go to notice much of what was going on.

"This has been a great morning," I said.

Which probably jinxed it.

I was preparing to go over the one lane bridge near our house when a car came roaring up from the other direction. I wasn't sure they'd stop in time and hit the brakes. I ended up partly on the bridge with them stopped on the other side. 

In retrospect, there was probably room for me to continue forward and get past them since I had right of way. However, at the time, I just wanted to get off the bridge and keep my family safe. There was a car behind the other car, so I backed up....and rubbed my bumper a little on the guardrail.

Thankfully, the damage was only cosmetic. I'd scraped the paint. A quick push and everything meshed up properly. Everyone calmed down. We weren't going to let it spoil our Easter!

We did morning chores and the rest of they unfolded before us. Shane complained about his loose tooth, so Carrie showed him videos of kids getting teeth pulled (It failed to convince him).

I requested an Asian take on the "crunchy tostadas" Carrie made oh so long ago.

Carrie loves Asian themed foods, so she was up to the challenge. It was delicious!

There was a chocolate and banana cream cake for dessert!

After that, it was time to chill with cats and stream some TV. I don't remember what we watched, but maybe it was Captain America: The Winter Soldier.

It would've been a totally chill day if not for the horses. I did catch Maddie rubbing her rump on her hay for a laugh.

It was a very windy day.

I wound up with a huge mess in the back of my car (courtesy of Shane). He enjoyed opening ALL of the eggs from the hunt on Saturday.

We didn't get to see family in person this year, but we made a few calls. Megan posted some pictures of her Easter in Ghana.

She hadn't known the local tradition was to dress in white (oops!).

Happy Easter all! Jesus is risen!

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